6 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @HotlineJosh: Too …

  1. Kenneth Stern

    Never thought that by moving from California to Maine I’d end up in a Deep Red State. Governor – Both Houses of the Legislature – Both US Senators – not sure how we still have 2 Dem US Reps though. Of course it “helps” when the winning Governor candidate only needed to get 38% of the vote to prevail. Maybe its time to have a run-off system…I’d like the instant run-off method…but any system that requires 50% (heck I’d even settle for 45% of the vote) for election is better than what we have now.

  2. Alasdair

    David K #1 – as of now, it’s down to less than 50K votes … seems to be a shifting target …

  3. David K.

    Yes, it looks like more results came in, however the bulk of the remaining votes are in King County where she has been getting 60% of the vote. Barring an unprecedented occurence where an overwhelming number of the remaining votes broke Rossi’s way, its only a matter of time before she is officially declared the winner.

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