1 thought on “Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Dear …

  1. AMLTrojan

    These kinds of remarks are incredibly annoying. For one, regardless of budget size, earmarks are NOT the way legislation and appropriations were intended to be passed, and Boehner & co. are absolutely right to see them as a key linchpin fostering disgust and distrust w/ Congress.

    Second, the fact that, despite the billions spent on earmarks , they only constitute constitute .01% of the budget and not 1% of the budget doesn’t mean the amount spent on earmarks is insignificant, it means the amount spent on everything else is WAY TOO EFFING MUCH!

    Word to dmataconis et al: Pick the low-hanging fruit first. If we can’t change Congress to reform on earmarks, how the hell are we going to fix anything else?

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