1 thought on “Twitter: Foley resisted urge. …

  1. Joe Loy

    Exactly so.

    Foley is to be highly commended. Amazing, in today’s horrid political landscape. A partisan candidate — as fiercely partisan in his Campaigning as were others, including Governor-elect Malloy — (a) loses in a Squeaker, (b) calls in the Experts to examine the Returns & the Law, (c) receives their report that the Returns, while Imperfect (as always & everywhere) are nonetheless Legitimate & Decisive and the Law provides no plausible path to their Invalidation or Reversal — AND then (d) actually says so in a Press conference (!), adding: “So the election Tuesday, although very close, was a conclusive victory for Dan Malloy, and this result should not be questioned. I hope my supporters accept my word on this.

    Which some Won’t, of course; but still: remarkable. This isn’t merely Class; it’s Integrity & Intelligence too. Seems yer man is a Quick Study. I think he Learned a helluva lot over the past week about the actual processes of conducting elections & tabulating votes — and he both Understood and Accepted them!

    Why hell, if he runs again I just might Vote for the guy. 🙂 Well. Provided that by then Governor Malloy has Conjured some way to feed the beast continue Funding my damn Pension, so that the Governor Foley of the Future doesn’t have to go all Chris Christie on me. 😉

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