
      3 Comments on Ralphie!

As you may have gathered from some of my tweets, I went to today’s Colorado-Iowa State game, with Kristy. It was fun! And Colorado won! (!!) Final score was 34-14.

The clear highlight, though, was the up close & personal look we got at Ralphie — shortly after his pregame run around the field — when, en route to our seats, we walked right past his truck. His handlers let us get a closer look:


More shots after the jump. Meanwhile, here’s a panorama of the stadium from our seats:


Like I said, more Ralphie pics after the jump! Also, a view from just behind the sideline as we were walking to our seats.





3 thoughts on “Ralphie!

  1. AMLTrojan

    Ralphie’s eyes look a bit red. He must have a newborn.

    In other words of wisdom, definitely do not try to take pictures from too close behind a buffalo. My guess is Ralphie could buck and knock some teeth out before you can figure out whether your finger is on the zoom button or the flash.

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Ralphie! -- Topsy.com

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