6 thoughts on “Twitter: Good point here …

  1. gahrie

    I actually agree with his point about ignoring the attacks, at least if Palin was just an average citizen.

    However time has shown that if public figures ignore their attackers, the public believes the attacks. In fact I can’t think of a single public person who doesn’t respond to such attacks.

  2. Brendan Loy

    The question isn’t whether you respond, it’s how. Do you dispatch a surrogate to respond, especially when the attacks are coming from someone who isn’t that important, or do you dive into the mud yourself? Also, while you obviously need to respond to important, substantive attacks that could define you if left unrebutted, you don’t need to respond to every single attack or criticism, and certainly not with the harshness that Palin often does. For instance, if Barbara Bush thinks she’s not qualified to be president… so f***ing what? A more mature, polished politician would find a way to gracefully swat that one away. Palin calls the Bushes “blue-bloods.” It makes her seem trashy and unpolished and incredibly unpresidential. For goodness sakes, she got into tit-for-tats on Twitter/Facebook with her daughter’s baby-daddy! She’s like a blogger who can’t resist wading into the comment section Every. Single. Time. someone calls her a nasty name, and doesn’t know when to JUST LET IT GO (hence my analogy). Sometimes, you gotta respond, but sometimes, you can’t dignify the attacks/criticism with a response, and certainly not with a tit-for-tat or escalating response.

  3. David K.

    The problem is that to Sarah Palin (and her defenders) an “attack” is a question like “what do you read” or “why do you think you’re qualified on foreign affairs”.

  4. Brendan Loy

    Yes, that is indeed a problem as well. The fact that it’s, as far as I can tell, an article of faith and received wisdom on the Right that the Katie Couric interview was a classic example of the LSM being unfair to Palin is…


    completely fucking ridiculous. Pardon my French.

  5. Alasdair

    Brendan – while the raw footage of Couric’s interview could have been considered fair, the broadcast highly-edited version was not …

    Out of curiosity, can you give *any* (there I go again, using that word twice in the same day) example of the MSM having interviewed two opposing Dem and GOP candidates for the same position asking them exactly the same questions, most of the time – and asking equivalently hard/easy questions the rest of the time ?

    For every Palin over-reaction, you can find multiple Obama over-reactions … for every Palin under-reaction, you can find multiple MSM snipes about Palin not responding when she outght to …

    Palin has basically recognised that that is not going to let up, and she is *herself* … she gives back at least as good as she gets … and lots of people like and respect her exactly for that … and the insecure elitists just cannot handle that reaction …

    As for the davidkian #3, the attacks that Palin has had regularly to endure are discussed here

    So – how many of the ethics charges lodged against Palin have been found to be valid ?

  6. David K.

    *yawn* Yeah because no other politician has faced ethics complaints or other charges that turned out to be inflated/not true. I mean its not like Bill Clinton wasn’t pursued for YEARS by Republicans trying to pin ANYTHING on him and the media certainly didn’t provide ANY negative coverage of the charges against him. Clearly its only poor little Sarah who has suffered, she is the only person who gets put under the spotlight. Blah blah blah.

    More of Alasdairs brain dead bullshit? Yup, it sure is!

    Palin’s an idiot who is unqualified for the Presidency, the interview wasn’t staged or showed in anyway but how she responded. Rather than looking for some media conspiracy you should go with the clearly more obvious answer, she’s just not that bright.

    Oh but wait, that would mean admitting that not all Conservatives are super duper totally awesome, or that its NOT always the media’s fault when things don’t go your way or the facts don’t line up.

    Stop living in a fantasy world Alasdair and join the adults in the real world. Idiots like you who cling to lies and distortions are contributing to the problems of the world, not helping them in any way what soever. I am so sick of the bullshit you continously spew on this blog in the face of clear and definiteve proof to the contrary. You add NOTHING of value with your blind partisan shtick.

    No one is asking you to stop fighting for the values and causes you believe in but do so from an open and honest position and maybe just MAYBE someone will listen to what you are saying, because holy crap, you might provide valuable info! Until then sit down and shut up, the grown ups are talking.

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