Twitter: GIANT DOUCHE BEATS TURD SANDWICH! RT @rodrigobno: Harry Reid (D) wins race for Nevada Senate seat – Fox News
Twitter: GIANT DOUCHE BEATS TURD SANDWICH! RT @rodrigobno: Harry Reid (D) wins race for Nevada Senate seat – Fox News
Twitter: RT @BillyHallowell HOLY CRAPOLI: A Republican just won Barack Obama’s Senate seat. | It’s not Obama’s seat, IT’S THE PEOPLE’S SEAT! 🙂
Twitter: RT @edhenrycnn: President Obama called John Boehner to congratulate, according to senior Dem official
Twitter: Not true. He went to Delaware. (Hey! Maybe THAT’s why he went there!) RT @HeyTammyBruce: Everywhere Obama went his candidates have lost
Twitter: I remain fascinated by the >5% vote for random low-profile 3rd-party candidates in the Buck-Bennet race. Voters hated all those attack ads.
Twitter: Candy Crowley points out that Toomey isn’t just any Republican winning PA-SEN, he’s a very conservative Republican winning PA-SEN. True.
Twitter: Me too! #GiantDouche #TurdSandwich RT @KilroyFSU I’m surprised “None of these candidates” isn’t doing better, given the choices.
Twitter: RT @kesgardner: FNC now declares Kirk the winner of the Illinois Senate race! GOP is now +6 on the night.
Twitter: CNN is in this weird time warp where their OMG BREAKING PROJECTIONS are things that Twitter figured out 30-90 minutes ago.
Twitter: Seconded. RT @mzemek: Sincere congratulations to righty friends @kilroyFSU @Darcysport @zbloxham @plh55