Monthly Archives: November 2010


      Comments Off on #boldpredictions

Two weeks and six days ago — i.e., exactly three weeks before tomorrow’s elections — I posted a series of “bold predictions” on Twitter. Mostly, they mocked the myriad, easily predictable ways in which the media and the punditry and the Interwebs always, always get things wrong when it comes to elections. Anyway, I thought I’d re-publish them now, and… Read more »

From the archives: How the LRT covered the last GOP wave

One of the neat things about deciding last year to name my blog “The Living Room Times,” and link it to my middle- and high-school newspaper of that name from 1993 through 1999, is that it effectively extended the institutional memory of this enterprise back more than an extra decade-and-a-half, allowing me to occasionally draw from some really old archives…. Read more »