Twitter: – Was …
Twitter: – Was trying to do a silly/dramatic video of #DU Bally “starting the car.” Result: blooper.
Twitter: – Was trying to do a silly/dramatic video of #DU Bally “starting the car.” Result: blooper.
Twitter: Heading to #DU-CSU for 1st stint as credentialed blogger-reporter at game. Hoping for @midmajority #RedLineUpset! Liveblog
Twitter: Leaving work, putting on a tie, heading to #DU. I dress nicer when I play journalist than most days at my job.
Twitter: ZOMG BURN!!!! RT @Murkowski: “It’s time they met one Republican woman who won’t quit on Alaska”
Twitter: #jealous RT @juliaflyer: I am 100% not ashamed of my #deathlyhallows midnight tickets tonight. So excited. #harrypotter
Twitter: RT @theupsetblog: Source confirms BYU & Mississippi are in talks, lending merit to Boise-Georgia rumors. – #mwc #wac #cfbt #byu #boise
Twitter: RT @postpolitics: House ethics panel recommends censure and restitution for Rangel. in 9-1 vote.
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: Somewhat, yes. RT @JHokanson: @BryanDFischer Would you say that an expeditious conclusion is reason for the added personnel?
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: I can also confirm that the NCAA has moved some enforcement staff from the Agentgate case in UNC/SCar to the Newton case.
Twitter: In chat, @murphsturph raised a #PANIC scenario: Newton held ineligible pre-12/4, AU wins vacated, including LSU’s only L. Tigers jump Boise?