This should probably be a regular feature. Yesterday, while holding and playing with Becky’s iPhone: “Daddy, I’m tweeting, just like you tweet.”
Today: “Mommy, we might have to bring Ralphie [her stuffed buffalo] and the manatee and your teddy bear downstairs, to keep the Grinch away.”
Both quotes are from Loyette, obviously. Although Loyacita is starting to get old enough, and verbal enough, to have a few “quotes” of her own. Most notably, about 6 or 9 months ahead of her sister’s schedule, she has learned the word “no” … usually expressed more like: “No!!” Oh, goody. 🙂
BREAKING: Karl Benson has invited Loyacita to be the WAC’s 8th football member. “She can say NO, which is very important when the Mountain West tries to steal her from us”.
BREAKING: Loyette was announced today as Florida’s new head football coach. Florida AD Jeremy Foley cited her unique stuffed animal style of defense as the key factor in the decision.
Some times we believe it is between two persons conversations…but it will be the same person….this happens some time..
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David, are you sure that that hire is a good idea? Loyette’s defense is part-Buffalo, and that defense collapsed against Kansas and Nebraska.