6-way tie atop LRT Bowl Pick ’em Contest

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We have 39 contestants in the 6th annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest. You can view everyone’s picks here. I think you have to be a logged-in pool contestant to view those links, but anyone can see the current standings here.

Of course, everyone has 0 points for now — but not for long, with the New Mexico Bowl underway.

UPDATE: After the first day of bowls, there’s a 6-way tie for first place in the Pick ’em Contest: Zack Bloxham (@zbloxham), Ryan (@rpm002), Josh Rubin, Kelly Strutz, Randy Styles, Casey Zak are all 3-0.

There are no games tonight or tomorrow. Bowls resume on Tuesday with the Beef O’Brady Bowl. [Bumped. -ed.]

Incidentally… the most lopsided bowl, in terms of predictions, is the Fiesta Bowl, in which all 39 contestants unanimously picked Oklahoma over UConn. The next most lopsided is the Las Vegas Bowl, 39-1 in favor of Boise State over Utah, followed by the Holiday Bowl, where the picks went 37-2 in favor of Washington over Nebraska (only David K. and Loyette picked the Huskies).

The bowl with the most evenly split predictions? Yesterday’s Humanitarian Bowl between Fresno and Northern Illinois, which was 20-19 in favor of the Bulldogs (who lost), followed by the Rose Bowl, the Sugar Bowl, and the Pinstripe Bowl (21-18 in favor of Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Syracuse, respectively, over TCU, Arkansas and Kansas State).

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