This blog post is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters OMG

For those without the time or patience to listen to today’s podcast episode to learn our “news,” I suppose I’ll come out and say it:

Becky and I are expecting Baby Loy #3 in July!!! Specifically, on July 8 — the very same date that Loyacita was due back in 2009 (though she was born five days late).

We don’t know the sex yet, but we intend to find out when we can, likely in a month-and-a-half or so. We’ll let y’all know when we know.

For those keeping score, this means we’ll have a 3 1/2-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a newborn. Donations to our college fund can be sent to via PayPal. 🙂 No, but seriously: call us crazy, but we wanted to have them this close together. If we’d waited a few months longer, we would have ended up with a big, exaggerated gap between #2 and #3, school-wise: we’d have had a fourth-grader, a third-grader, and a kindergartner. Instead, it’ll be 3rd, 2nd, and K. (And senior, junior & freshman… #PANIC!)

As for whether we hope Baby Loy #3 is a boy or girl, we’re both torn. For my part, notwithstanding Becky’s statement in the podcast that I “want a girl,” I can really see the pros and cons of both. I guess my heart leans toward a girl, my head toward a boy, but both are only very slight leans. I’ll be genuinely delighted with either; I just want a healthy baby. We’ve been so blessed thus far, in terms of health, happiness and cuteness. 🙂

Anyway, stay tuned for an eventual Baby Pool, discussion of a blog nickname (once we know the gender), etc. Oh — and there’s a new countdown in the left-hand sidebar. 🙂 170 days and counting!!

9 thoughts on “This blog post is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters OMG

  1. Alasdair

    Congrats ! (Is Mazel Tov appropriate here, Venerable Loy ?)

    You both display a commendable commitment to the green value of car-pooling, since your kids (if they attend the same school) will be able to car-pool once the then-eldest is able to drive independently ! (In my case, my 12th Grader ran her 10th grade and 7th Grade sisters to and from school and then crew practice … (although, with only 4 daughters, we couldn’t have our own eight (or even our own four)) …

    Ummm – have you found out what is causing this to happen, yet ? Or might there be a #4 (and/or even more), in the future ? (grin)

  2. gahrie

    Congrats. I’m glad somebody is doing their demographic duty. I feel slightly guilty sometimes that i don’t have any children…

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  4. AMLTrojan

    I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I guessed that was what you were referring to when you alluded to “this other thing” in your post. Congrats — we can’t wait to meet the next cast member of Loyapalooza!

  5. Alasdair

    gahrie #2 – my #4 (we found out what was causing it with #4) is a first year at Tulane … would you like to adopt her for the next few years ? (grin)

    I wouldn’t want you to miss *all* the fun !

  6. JD

    In the words of my grandmother when she heard about Mom and Dad’s #3, “You are going to have your hands so full…” And that was with three spaced three years apart.

    Here’s hoping for a boy Loy, so you may teach him the ways of the Nerd Force. (Also, because girls always need a brother to torment them. 🙂

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