15 Comments on OMG OMG OMG

A behind-the-scenes look at the start of filming on The Hobbit:

(Hat tip: Patrick, who wrote, “This video almost made me cry. I am such a nerd.”)

15 thoughts on “OMG OMG OMG

  1. Doc

    So, lemme see if I can remember this right.

    Thorin Oakenshield and his nephews (Fili and Kili, though I tend to forget their names)
    Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur
    Oin and Gloin (father of Gimli)
    Balin and Dwalin,
    Uhhh, Fidgit, Vermin, and Randal?

    OK,so I’m mixing my dwarfs – and of course I can look it up, but can anybody remember all 13 of them?

  2. JD

    In other news, filming of the trilogy was over a decade ago!

    Brendan, your countdown should include the 10th anniversary of the release of FOTR on Dec. 19 and maybe the 10th anniversary of the first Harry Potter movie on Nov. 14. (I agree with a sentiment I’ve seen elsewhere: The Internet is completely skewing my gauging of time.)

  3. David K.

    @Doc not even close, I can’t believe you forgot the dwarfs names since you are one of them, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful and Doc!

  4. Alasdair

    David K – I thought that the only one of the 7 Dwarves that you haven’t been is Doc ?

    My Lady Wife, on the other hand, has been all of ’em at one time or another, and is usually at least two of ’em at any given time … I think that the most she has been at one time is 4 – Doc, Sleepy, Dopey, and Grumpy …

    (/me *mallards*, grinning nervously)

  5. David K.

    @Alasdair – Go to hell. I hope this pushes Brendan one step closer to banning you, the blog would be a much better place without you around.

  6. Alasdair

    David K – while *you* seem to believe that non-lockstep voices should be suppressed and banned, our host is not of such a fascist-based ilk, fortunately … (I believe, personally, that I blame Venrable Loy and spouse for that happy fact) …

  7. Brendan Loy Post author

    Er, ok, guys? One of you accusing the other of having been, at various times, “Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, [and] Bashful,” is not ban-worthy, unless I’m missing something — it’s also not particularly funny, IMHO, nor especially friendly or good-natured in its apparent intent, given the nature of your relationship*; but it’s also not morbidly offensive — nor, on the other hand, is it a “fascist-based” endorsement of “lockstep voices” for one commenter to suggest that another commenter’s unfriendly attempted humor should result in a ban-hammer. Alasdair, if David had suggested you be banned because of right-wing political views, then your riposte would make sense; but that’s not what he suggested at all, so it makes no sense. Likewise, David, if Alasdair had called your mother various unmentionable names, or attacked your character in some brutal fashion, I’d understand your response; but he didn’t. He made a dumb joke juxtaposing the names of the seven dwarves with your alleged moods, obviously intending to irritate you (and obviously succeeding). In short, you’re both being dumb.

    *Yes, I recognize that you called your wife four of the same names you called David. Nevertheless, surely your intent was irritate David. You guys don’t exactly have the sort of joshing relationship where you can just insult each other for fun and expect the other to laugh it off.

  8. Brendan Loy Post author

    P.S. Do y’all see — I’m looking at you, gahrie 🙂 — why I don’t like to intervene in these childish comment flame-wars? What was the point of the above comment by me? Did it serve any purpose whatsoever? Is the world a better place for my having posting it? No. Writing it was three minutes of my life wasted.

  9. David K.

    “He made a dumb joke juxtaposing the names of the seven dwarves with your alleged moods, obviously intending to irritate you (and obviously succeeding). In short, you’re both being dumb.”

    Precisely. I made a comment that had nothing to do with him. Nothing to do with politics. Nothing that in any way shape or form might be construed as an attack on anyone and his first instinct was to post an insult to me. I don’t particular care that he insulted me as much as I’m sick of having to put up with his constant attempts at being ‘clever’ while adding nothing of substance. He’s the text book definition of a troll.

    I don’t claim to be blameless when it comes to insult games, but at least they are within the context of some heated back and forth on a political topic and aimed at a person who has directly engaged in the back and forth. And as recently demonstrated I’m willing to work to be better at that too.

    This one comment wouldn’t be ban worthy, true, but it is an example of his extended pattern of behavior, in particular towards ME. He’ll pop in with some weak attempt at a humorous insult, attempting to come across as clever, more often than not without any previous basis for doing so. His default position seems to be “(if David.didComment == true) then MakeInsultingCommentAboutDavid()”

    Sure its not insulting my mother, but I imagine he’d avoid doing that so he can keep skirting the line. Is intentionally going close to the line but never quite crossing really better?

  10. Brendan Loy Post author

    (if David.didComment == true) then MakeInsultingCommentAboutDavid()

    Now that’s funny. #nerd 🙂

  11. Doc

    Dammit, I missed a chance to be offended! Callin’ me a dwarf, harrumph. Typical [boilerplate insult].

    I don’t think Brendan appreciates the huge favor you guys are doing him, giving him all this practice for when he has to mediate between three girls.

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