BREAKING: Sources say #Rapture cancelled after an air-traffic controller in Heaven fell asleep on the job.
Where were you on the day the world didn’t end?
The above picture was taken out my window at precisely 6:00 PM Saturday, when the Rapture was scheduled to hit the Mountain Time Zone, airlifting the Saved to Heaven. As you can see, there is a distinct lack of people ascending into the sky.
Harold Camping was wrong. I know — I, too, am shocked, shocked.
Harold Camping would like to announce that the #Rapture did not fail to materialize; we’re just holding it wrong.
If you want to read an alternate-universe account of what would have happened Saturday if the Rapture had actually occurred, this blog is pretty excellent. I read every post, and enjoyed it thoroughly.
I also rather enjoyed Saturday’s New York Daily News front page:

And I enjoyed, perhaps a bit too much, all the ridiculous Twitter humor surrounding the non-Rapture over the last few days. Like this tweet:
Would be awesome if somehow Jesus could play Rick Astley in the sky at 6:00 pm.
Heh. Anyway, to memorialize this non-event for posterity, after the jump I’ve copied a bunch of tweets — mine and others’ — from Friday afternoon/evening, Saturday, and Sunday morning (picking up where my last post left off).
P.S. But first! I totally forgot to include this awesome, and apropos, Johnny Cash song in my previous post:
Okay, on with the tweets:
Pac-12 becomes nation’s undisputed premier football conference as entire SEC & much of Big XII, Big Ten ascend to Heaven. #RaptureUpsides
@jpodhoretz Apparently Obama heard about this Rapture thing, and decided to upstage God by leaving the Jews behind 2 days early.
Phones and Internet have suddenly & inexplicably gone down at my office. AND SO IT BEGINS. #Rapture #PANIC
It’ll be awkward calling people the day after the Rapture. You don’t want to act like you assumed they’d be home. MT @ShittingtonUK
#Rapture RT @FashionDude: Justin Bieber launches women’s fragrance:
Etiquette question: when leaving work today, is it OK to tell co-workers you’ll see them on Monday, or is that bad form? #Rapture
BREAKING: @MileHighBecky bought peanut butter pretzel nuggets at Cotsco. I am now prepared to greet the #Rapture. #mmmpeanutbutter
I hope @RahmEmanuel is Saved, and as he’s ascending, he’s like, “What the motherf***ing f*** is this s**t? I’m f***ing Saved?!? Me?!?!”
24 hours till the #Rapture on the East Coast. 6 hours till it starts in Kiribati. As Gandalf would say, “FLY, YOU FOOLS!”
In the event of Apocalypse tomorrow, the president’s schedule will be revised.
Have a good weekend, tweeps-who-only-use-Twitter-during-the-week. I’ll see you on Monday. OR MAYBE I WON’T. #rapture
#RAPTURE RT @MarkRYoder: Plane down in Boulder near the airport. No injuries. Sky9 going to check it out. #9news
#Rapture RT @deseretnews: Gallup Poll: Majority of Americans support gay marriage
If I were God, I’d consider changing plans and doing a trial-rapture on Saturday just to see the hilarious tweets.
24 hours till the #Rapture in Denver! #OrUntilNothingHappens
#Rapture RT @Alyssafarah: Public Service Announcement: Rebecca Black’s Friday has 144 MILLION hits on Youtube. We should all be ashamed.
#PANIC!!!!!!!!! #Rapture RT @dmataconis: You’re shitting me RT @mpoppel: BREAKING — 6.5-mag earthquake hits near the South Sandwich Islands
@brendanloy @dmataconis @mpoppel Verily, verily I say unto all of thee: I shit thee not. #Rapture #PANIC
#Rapture #Foreshock #PANIC RT @dmataconis: RT @mpoppel: The quake happened at 10.16 pm local time, on Friday, in the South Sandwich Islands.
You and your “facts” RT @duresport: For #Rapture debunking needs, check how many earthquakes we usually have.
“And it is written that in the hours before the end, one man on Twitter will drink heavily and make snarky comments. about the #Rapture“
Pray for cloudy weather tomorrow: if Jesus comes back and sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of Armageddon.
The end is near! I see a giant flaming ball in the western sky. I can’t remember seeing it before & know it’s coming to destroy us. REPENT!
Two hours left till it’s 6pm on #Rapture Day in the world’s easternmost time zone. Beat the rush, #REPENT now! Seems more genuine that way.
Fellow East Coasters, remember, no #Rapture spoilers tomorrow for the folks out west.
#PANIC RT @dmataconis: The #Yankees lost to the #Mets. I’m beginning to thing this #Rapture thing is for real.
My watch just stopped. Is this it? IS THIS IT?!?!?!? #Rapture
So it is officially 6pm Saturday May 21st, 2011 in Kiritimati, Christmas Island, Kiribati. Any earthquakes yet???? Harold Camping #fail
No sign of “super terrible” earthquakes on Christmas Island/Kiribati, where it is 6:01 p.m. Saturday
.@brendanloy the little Lord Jesus is obviously disrupting global information flow to allow us more time to choose of our own Free Will.
#PANIC #RAPTURE #NOTREALLY RT @Quakeprediction: 3.7 earthquake hits SE of Santa Barbara;
It will start at Israel’s 1967 borders. #NewsMashup RT @krizoitz: @MariahWestwind @awguy79 …the rapture will totally start in Jerusalem
Small earthquake, preliminary 3.1 magnitude, rocks Hawaii, no inuries reported
Moderate 4.8-magnitude earthquake strikes near Solomon Islands, South Pacific
.@BreakingNews is totally reporting on minor earthquakes that it wouldn’t usually bother with, because of the #Rapture. LOL.
Not to be a #Rapture killjoy, but it’s really silly to get excited about earthquakes weaker than 6.0. @BreakingNews
There are 3-4 earthquakes every day in the 5s somewhere on Earth, 30-40 in the 4s, and 300-400 in the 3s. #Rapture @BreakingNews
Heck, there’s an earthquake in the 6s every 2-3 days, and 1 or 2 every month in the 7s. Only 8+ quakes are rare. #Rapture @BreakingNews
It’s officially midnight on #Rapture Day here in Denver, and I’m going to bed. G’nite all.
I just woke up. Everybody still here? #Rapture
Maybe it ended, and we’re all in Heaven, tweeting. (Or in Hell? #PANIC) RT @dmataconis: So, did the world end?
You say the #Rapture isn’t happening. I say, maybe Australia, New Zealand & Asia are composed entirely of sinners. Not hopeful for Europe.
Besides, if, like, one guy in Siberia got #Raptured, would we really know? #IfATreeAscendsInTheWoods…
When my spouse was gone when I woke up, I thought he’d been raptured….But it seems he just went to the 7/11 to get milk for my coffee.
For RAPTURES happening during dinner hours or more than 4 Hours, a dinner will be provided, please note #RAPTCHICKEN #RAPTFISH or #RAPTVEGAN
For those of you asking for #RAPTKOSHER meals… that is funny, #IfYouGetMyDrift
For all your POST-#RAPTURE coverage, we recommend you watch @FoxNews, don’t worry they will be fully staffed….
Rapture Would Trump Alernate-Side Parking, Mayor Bloomberg Says –
I have this urge to tweet, “Quoth the #Rapture: Nevermore.”
Well, @krizoitz, it’s 6:45 PM in Jerusalem. I’ve heard no reports of flying naked Christians. Nor of velociraptor sightings. #Rapture
@brendanloy Proof that God loves America and no place else? #velociRAPTURE
Out at a festival. No #Rapture yet.
#Rapture RT @9newsdotcom: Alpacas visit 9NEWS #9NEWS
#Rapture RT @BreakingNews: Power outage at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport delays flights; cause of outage still unknown –
Three hours till East Coast #Rapture. Five hours here. RT @big_ben_clock: BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG
Or Irish. Or hungover. Or both. RT @questlove: *still checking watch* let this be the final proof that jesus is black. #LateAsHellApocalypse
It’s just a little rain during BP. It’s not the end of the world…ohhhh
#RAPTURE RT @9newsdotcom: Scientists: Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano erupting #9NEWS
One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse called in sick today. Bad timing, pal.
Was anyone else raptured? So far it’s just me and a few guys I saw handing out leaflets in Times Square. And we totally have Wi-Fi!
IT’S ALMOST FLYING HORSE TIME!!!!! Let’s do this, God!!! #Preakness #Rapture
We’re having a slight weapons malfunction on the Death Star. Please stand by.
The rapture has happened in Jersey City. Featuring @katiestars
#CubsRapture RT @Conservative_76: Eh maybe next year
#Rapture hasn’t happened yet because God is waiting for the #Preakness to start. #FlyingHorses
Shackleford won the Preakness! His jockey’s name was JESUS. That’s what they meant when they said he was coming back today.
No flying horses OR flying jockeys?!? That was bullcrap. #WorstRaptureEver
Oh, this is a superb Preakness headline. RT @hansonscott: @darrenrovell Animal Kingdom Left Behind
Clearly, the East Coast is a bunch of heathens. Flyover Country FTW! Denver #Rapture in 1 hour 17 minutes.
Are you ready for some #Rapture?!? It’s a Saturday-night par-tay!! #1minuteleft #DenverRapture
It’s 6:00 PM in Denver. I note a distinct lack of flying naked Christians outside. #Rapture
Yes, WHERE IS TEBOW?!? Report in, Tim!! Your status?? RT @ndtex: @brendanloy keep an eye on Tebow
You there, @TimTebow?
Date night with @MileHighBecky has commenced. Still no sign of #Rapture. West Coast up next, in 11 minutes, but c’mon. #heathens
The last inhabited time zone on earth to hit 6pm on May 21, UTC-11 (including American Samoa), will do so in ten minutes. #RaptureFAIL
Great to meet Bono & learn more about @ONEcampaign last night @atU2 concert. I truly admire how he uses his platform
It’s official: there was no #Rapture yesterday. Tim Tebow is still here. That settles it.
Hehe. Did you see my Four Square check-in today? With the rapture posts, you’ll love it. Check it out:
I think you linked to the wrong photo, meaning to link this one:
Anyway, awesome. Haha.
Yes, that’s the one I *thought* I was linking to. The moment it happened I thought of you, lol. Had to share 🙂
Heh. I’m very proud that both the word “PANIC” and, now, the notion of the End of the World, make my friends think of me. 🙂