This afternoon, eleven months to the day after I got my first iPhone, I broke it:

D’OH!!! #PANIC!!!
I was listening to a tornado coverage on an Oklahoma radio station, KRMG, via TuneIn Radio, when my earbuds’ cord got caught on something and, when I made a sudden movement, the iPhone went flying out of my hand and landed 2 or 3 feet away, and maybe 4 feet down, on the blacktop of the parking lot, face-down. BOOM.
Thankfully, it’s insured via a rider on my homeowner’s policy, so if all goes well, I’ll be able to replace it for just a $50 deductible. Still, what a pain in the butt.
P.S. It still works, by the way!
Get my-cast, beats the pants off weather channel’s app
Didn’t you have it in a protective case? I’ve dropped mine down a flight of stairs and it has barely a scratch (I recommend OtterBox).
I had (have) it in a clear protective case from Belkin that completely covers the back and sides, but the only protection it provides for the front is that the case’s sides are a millimeter or two higher than the phone’s sides. So, if the phone lands face-down on a completely flat surface, the case prevents the phone’s face from making direct contact with the surface. I, too, have dropped the phone a number of times, from fairly high heights, with no problems. But the blacktop it fell on yesterday was uneven, and I think the screen must have made its first contact with a little bit of pavement sticking up, which shattered the screen.
(I also have a scratch-proof clear film on the screen, but that obviously does nothing to protect the screen from shattering — though it does help hold the glass in place nicely after shattering.)
I don’t like the bulkier cases because I find they make it hard to drag things off the sides of the screen, given its narrow bezel. That said, if I didn’t have insurance on the phone, I probably would have bought a more protective case. #MoralHazardPANIC!
This makes me recall the time I went to put my Motorola Razr (everyone remember those… and what’s with Moto and dropping letters?) in my Jersey pocket while riding my bike and instead dropped it onto my back wheel while going about 25mph, bounced the phone back up into the air and the smack onto the pavement. To Moto’s credit, the phone was basically fine, though the battery cover was shot into the gutter, and it took a moment to find both it and the battery. My iPhone 4 would have been toast in the same accident… Pretty much regardless of the cover you put on it.
On the bright side, the iPhone 4 makes it so I don’t ride at the front of a paceline while talking on the phone anymore, which is probably much safer for everyone.
Brendan – when you do that with/to an iPhone, should you not say “iBroke it !” ?
dcl – I’m still using my Razr – and it has bounced a number of times (given that I am ambisinistrous) … and it’s the only Razr I’ve used in over 2 decades – apparently I have been ecologically-responsible, saving some 5 gallons of water per day each day throughout the period since 1981 …
Brendan, you need to be sure that making a claim on your iPhone won’t impact our home owner’s insurance rate adversely. It may cost more over the long term than the replacement phone if it does.
Insure your phone on a home insurance policy rider? That’s a real thing? Even if you drop it?
Wow. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Other things to keep in mind: protective cases. My iPad probably works today because it’s in a protective case.
If you do what Becky says and find out it will adversely affect your rate, you can always buy a replacement screen online and change it yourself. It doesn’t sound too difficult.
Becky, keep reality out of this! In any case, don’t they have No Fault homeowner’s insurance? Or is there a version of uninsured motorist rider you can add on to a homeowner’s policy? That way you can blame it on the Mexican gardener / housekeeper, no? 😉