Generic Republican gettin’ feisty!

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This tweet is getting a ton of attention in the conservative twittersphere right now:

@BarackObama sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but what was your Medicare plan?Thu May 26 21:06:40 via Twitter for BlackBerry®

My favorite response:

I really wish I was running @BarackObama‘s twitter account. I’d answer @timpawlenty‘s tweet by simply asking: “Who are you again?”Thu May 26 21:32:49 via web

11 thoughts on “Generic Republican gettin’ feisty!

  1. gahrie

    Or how about “Why do I need a Medicare plan when yours is going to win me the election?”

    Isn’t this at least as irresponsible as tying budget cuts to the debt ceiling?

  2. Alasdair

    In the appropriate spirit of goon-natured give-and-take exemplified on this blog’s political comments, enjoy this most excellent cartoon !

    Obama: “I want a peace deal based on a return to Israel’s pre-1967 borders.”

    Netanyahu: “And we’d like a return to America’s pre-2008 Presidencies.”

  3. David K.

    @Alasdair – You act as if Obama is the first and only one to propose the 1967 borders, even though Brendan et al. have pointed out that numerous prominent Republicans have said the same thing over the years.

    It’s also a poor cartoon since one is talking about treaty negotiations which are open for discussion while the other is talking about voiding legitimate election results which aren’t (and ironically violating the Constitution while your at it).

  4. Alasdair

    Then again, rational folk see the cartoon as showing one who is talking about working to void the re-founding of a sovereign nation while the other is waxing nostalgic for when US Presidents were Stgatesmen rather than Toom Tabards !

  5. David K.

    So your solution is what, screw the Palestinians? Let’s let everyone keep fighting? Your lack of ability to understand the complexities of the issue certainly explains your laughable statement that GWB was a statesman. Even more ironic since he invaded a couple sovereign nations while he was at it.

  6. gahrie

    So your solution is what, screw the Palestinians?

    The Palestinians screwed themselves. The other Arab States also screwed them.

    I say that as someone who spent the first thirty years of my life strongly pro-Palestinian. I was a member of a Palestinian group at USC, and wrote for their magazine. I visited the Palestinian consulate in London while representing Jordan in a Model United Nations.

    The Palestinians had a chance to achieve most of their goals. If, instead of beginning the Intifada, they had followed the path of non-violence, they would have a State today. If they had rejected Hamas, they would be taken seriously today.

    Israel has the right to exist in safe and secure borders. Until the Palestinians and Arab States can accept that, the Palestinians are screwed.

  7. Alasdair

    David #9 … those of us with some understanding of the history of that region realise that there has *never* been a sovereign national entity called Palestine governed by Palestinians … up to the end of the Ottoman Empire, the area was mostly owned by Ottoman absentee non-Plaestinian landlords … after WW I, an area called the British Mandate was supposed to become 2 states – one Jewish, one Arab … the Arab portion – more than half of the territory – is now called Jordan … the less-than-half remaining was to be the Jewish State …

    I will slightly disagree with gahrie #10 … the Palestinain peoples didn’t want to stay as refugees – their leaders have kept ’em with refugee status – they were and are screwed by their leaders …

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