Tropical Storm Dora (the Explorer)

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Tropical Storm Dora has formed in the Eastern Pacific, south of Mexico, and is expected to become a major hurricane within the next three days. This has produced an amusing tweet exchange among those of us familiar with the storm’s Nickelodeon namesake (Loyacita’s favorite show in the universe by far):

Andy Glockner: “Can you say dangerously high winds? Say it! Louder! Board up your windows! BUENO!”

Me: “Map says we need to go over the warm water, under the upper-level ridge, and that’s how we’ll become un huracán!”

Andy Glockner: “What category are we going to become? (Insert arrows pointing at a 4). THAT’S RIGHT! Cuatro! ‘Nuestra vientos son fuertes!'”

Kraig Williams: “I’m the Doppler map- I’m the Doppler map- I’m the Doppler map- I’m the Doppler map”

Me: “Wind shear, no shearing! Wind shear, no shearing! Wind shear, no shearing!” “OOOHHH MAAAN!!”


(Yes, these are the depths to which my once-famous hurricane-blogging have sunk. Ah, parenthood.)

P.S. Also, from my #IfDoraMetHarryPotter hashtag sequence yesterday — tweeted after watching Deathly Hallows Part 2, then coming home to watch part of a Dora movie with the girls…

• “Accio Sticky Tape!” #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• Defense Against The Dark Arts Lesson 1: the power of saying "Swiper No Swiping!" three times. #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• After Dumbledore dies, Death Eaters break into song on the Astronomy Tower: "We did it! We did it! We did it! Hooray!" #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• "NOT MY MONKEY, YOU WITCH!" #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• Death Eaters install Lou Dobbs as Minister of Magic, institute English-only education at Hogwarts. #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• Instead of dementors, Azkaban guarded by sneezing snakes & pirate pigs. #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

• “I’m the Marauder’s Map, I’m the Marauder’s Map, I’m the Marauder’s Map, I’m the Marauder’s Map, I’m the Marauder’s Maaaap!!” #IfDoraMetHarryPotter

2 thoughts on “Tropical Storm Dora (the Explorer)

  1. Brendan Loy Post author

    Heh. Well, Lucas at least shares certain demographic characteristics (albeit not gender) with what one might imagine as Dora’s target audience. 🙂 Part of what’s hilarious about Loyacita’s obsession with Dora, as Becky observed this morning, is that (Hispanic-sounding blog nickname aside) she is pretty much the whitest white girl who was ever white. 😉

    Side note: the other day, when we were playing at one of the nearby parks in our neighborhood, there was an adorable little Latina girl, maybe 4 years old, on the swings next to Loyette, who, I swear to God, looked EXACTLY like Dora. She had the jet-black hair, cut to precisely the right length, a perfectly sweet little Dora-like face, and even a solid-color top and shorts that looked about right. I really hope her parents let her dress up as Dora for Halloween, because it would be an epic missed opportunity if not. I was half-surprised Loyacita didn’t point to her and say “DORA!!!!!”

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