Tuesday, April 7
When Tuesday dawned, it meant the girls’ Extended Spring Break was officially over.
Hello, First Day of Online School:

(Well, first day of official, district-run online school, anyway. The younger girls’ teachers independently tried out some informal online-school stuff during the first two weeks of “break,” while the school district was figuring out what its overall plan would be.)

Less adorably: my new laser printer!

In the evening, another essential errand, because I forgot to buy kitty litter yesterday. 😐

First stop: Target.

One of the two entrances was blocked off (quite thoroughly!), so customers could only enter through the other set of doors.
And at the other entrance, there was a whole setup for waiting in line to get in, when the store is too full under social distinancing guidelines.

There was no line Tuesday evening, though. I just stopped briefly to take that picture. 🙂
Inside the store, there were notable shortages:

And, in the checkout line, more social distancing:

Unfortunately, Target was all out of non-clumping kitty litter (which our very young foster kittens need), despite the Target app’s assurances that they had some in stock. So I checked out my other purchases (including pudding and some Easter stuff) and left for my second stop.
Well, actually, something else happened first. While I was sitting in my car, in the Target parking lot, I got a sad breaking news alert:

Here’s that video:
R.I.P., John Prine. 🙁
Anyway… back to Tuesday, and my errand run. I drove to Petsmart, but it was closed, as was almost everywhere else (it was only ~8:10, but most retail stores that haven’t been forced to shut down are closing early). So, with my kitty-litter options rapidly dwindling, I had no choice but to brave Walmart, which my phone said was closing at 8:30.

For a few moments, I thought Walmart was closed earlier than its app said (as Petsmart had been), and — huge nerd that I am — I literally thought to myself: “Walmart. The one place on Earth we don’t want to see any closer, and the one place we’re trying to get to. It’s just where we can’t get.”
Thankfully, it wasn’t closed. Customers were still being allowed in through the far entrance.

I was in a hurry, so I didn’t take any pictures inside the store. But I noticed that a decent percentage of Walmart customers were wearing masks — moreso than at Target or Petsmart, I would say.
The most jarring thing, though, was the repeating loudspeaker announcement in the Walmart parking lot, accompanied by a flashing blue police light. The whole scene had an eerie, post-apocalyptic feel.
I embedded my video at the top of this post, but here it is again:

One does not simply walk into Walmart. 😉