Wednesday, April 8

I awoke Wednesday morning to a disaster: we were out of ground coffee!! #PANIC

Thrust into action by crisis, I had to find our strategic reserve of coffee beans (in the pantry), then locate the relevant pieces of the Vitamix for dry-blending, and then figure out how the hell to do… well… this:
Success! Coffee!

The big news of the day was — for the first time in weeks(?) — not directly pandemic-related. Instead it was about electoral politics: Bernie Sanders was (finally) dropping out, making Joe Biden the presumptive nominee (and suggesting perhaps I should take the Warren sticker off my car 😂).
Ben Wexler summed up my feelings on the matter:
Most importantly, the Bernie news birthed this video into the world:
Political news aside, it was a mostly uneventful day for me personally — aside from the ongoing saga of my new laser printer, which I’d had to move to the basement tech closet because it was causing a subtle noxious odor in my poorly ventilated basement office. That led to all sorts of drama around getting wireless printing to work, since this bargain-basement laser printer doesn’t come with its own built-in wireless. But I finally got it working (thanks to an old Mac Mini and some help from my office’s I.T. folks) Wednesday afternoon:

Around 2:15 PM, it was time to say goodbye to Becky/Mommy, off to the hospital for her fourth 3p-3a E.R. shift in five days:

BTW, if anyone is wondering, Becky immediately throws her scrubs in the washing machine when she gets home from a shift (in the wee hours of the morning) to prevent COVID contamination, so the above-pictured hug is safe as well as adorable. 🙂
In the evening, I took the dog for a walk, and took some photos:

On the topic of thanking health-care workers: we also did the 8:00 PM howl for first time Wednesday. Listening from our front porch, it was pretty intense and fun! But I got better video (and audio) of it the next day, so I’ll save that for Thursday’s post.
What else? Oh yeah, the girls finally roped me in to watching their favorite anime, My Hero Academia, with them on Wednesday:

Also Wednesday, I laughed at a song about toiler paper; I subtweeted President Trump; I watched part of a Drive By Truckers concert; I retweeted a series of several good tweets making a solid point about COVID-19 and the Dem primary calendar; I charted some new CDPHE data clearly showing that social distancing is working in Colorado; and/but I worried about people confusing short-term and long-term optimism; and I became increasingly annoyed with “unsupported, illogical, dangerous magical thinking” about COVID-19 (and offered a spoiler alert for some people engaged in such thinking).
Oh, and I LOL’d at this beautiful thing:
Last, but certainly not least, I offered my contribution to the “Quarantine House” meme: