Thursday, April 9
The coolest thing on Thursday was the 8pm howl, which our seventh-grader & I experienced (and participated in) from Greenway Park in Stapleton, where we could hear the howling more loudly than from our front porch. Here’s a video:
Earlier Thursday, it was Day 3 of DPS’s official online school, and I snapped some pictures of the younger girls “going to class” in their pajamas:

Gotta love the third-grader’s crazy hair. 😂
As per usual, I spent most of the day in my basement office — where Snorlax kept a close eye on me, to make sure I was staying on task:

In the afternoon, there was this major development:

In other news, the Pokémon GO Spring Event started Thursday, which meant there were adorable crown-wearing Pokémon to be caught:
As for actual news news, here’s some of what was happening Thursday, as seen via tweets:
Thursday was also a day when I became increasingly annoyed at coronavirus truthers, skeptics, and assorted online idiots, who were remarkably still somehow not fully convinced of the pandemic’s seriousness, even with more than 16,000 U.S. deaths.
On a totally unrelated and much happier note, here’s our 8-year-old Sodastream enthusiast at work:

Last but not least: KITTENS!!!

D’awwwwwww. 😻