Friday, April 10
With Easter two days away, and Becky at home for the second straight day (after four E.R. shifts in five days from Saturday-Wednesday), she and the younger girls did some egg-decorating Friday morning, using the Cool Whip & food coloring method:

Whipped cream was featured again at dinner time, atop the 8-year-old dessert chef’s jello creation:

In the news Friday, the extension of Colorado’s order to April 26 became official, and was broadcast as an Emergency Alert on everyone’s phones (though it had been reported days earlier). Also, reports emerged of new COVID-19 modeling that was troubling — but also, for me, a relief of sorts. Not for what it says, but just the fact that it’s being discussed, as I was already quite worried about a disastrous rush to premature “re-open the economy” before necessary measures are in place to prevent a huge re-acceleration of the curve. Anyway:
Back on the home front, I ventured to the Greenway again Thursday for the 8pm howl, this time with the 8yo. Here’s a livestreamed video. Afterward, she had fun running back and forth on the blocks of old airport concrete under Central Park Boulevard:

Saturday, April 11
The anticipation for Easter had been palpable for days (particularly for the 8-year-old), and that was certainly the case on Saturday, “Easter Eve”:
Although the more immediate issue Saturday morning wasn’t pre-Easter eagerness, but the great Roblox Crisis of 2020:

The highlight of my day, meanwhile, was a beautiful long dog walk with my beautiful wife. Becky had been scheduled for an extra E.R. shift Saturday, from 7a-7p, but she got called off after ~3 hours. (The hospital has lots of COVID patients, but far fewer non-COVID patients than usual — and, thanks to Colorado’s successful curve-bending, the COVID patient load hasn’t become overwhelming.) So anyway, Becky had most of the day unexpectedly off, and shortly after she got home, we headed out and walked together. It was a gorgeous day — the last one for a while, we knew, with snow imminent for Easter — so we wanted to make the most of it. Here are some pictures:

If you can’t tell, chalk art is quite the trend right now. 🙂 Speaking of which, although I only saw it on social media (not in person), this one is awesome:

Later in the day, the 8yo & I walked to our mailbox around the corner, to check for mail…

…and ran into our back-yard neighbors, whose kids were making a chalk-art masterpiece.

After a few minutes, Sam headed back ’round the corner and home, but I stood around and chatted with the artists’ mom and dad for — I’m not sure how long, but over an hour for sure — staying 6+ feet away at all times, of course. It was nice to have a bit of human contact (outside of our immediate household)! 🙂
Also on Saturday, the kittens had to go in for vaccines. But here are some adorable kitten pics from earlier in the day:

We concluded Saturday with another 8pm howl, this time from our front porch:
Here’s the full thing as a Facebook Live broadcast:
Finally, with the arrival of a certain Essential Bunny mere hours away, the girls decided to have a sister sleepover in the 12-year-old’s room: