3 thoughts on “Twitter: Casey Zak eliminated …

  1. Casey

    What a bunch of crap! Everybody knows that Matt Wiser paid off the officials in the Tenn vs Mich St game. It’s the only possible explanation! The whole dang tournament is rigged against me! It’s a sham, a scam, a great cestpool of porcine filth!

    What a great tournament. It took foresight, cunning, and skill to pick as intelligently as I did. I’m just happy that the tournament gave me a chance to showcase the rare effusion of genetic endowment and skillful practice that combine to make a genius such as myself.

  2. Casey

    Oops, sorry. I accidentally posted my pre-written concession and victory speeches at the same time.

  3. Matt Wiser

    You’ve got it right Casey. I bribed the refs with filthy bacon, so they were delirious during the game.

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