1 thought on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. Joe Loy

    Yes and the law empowers AZ police to demand Papers from a person upon forming a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that he or she is an illegal immigrant” AND, while they’re At it, they also want to “…require U.S. presidential candidates to submit documents to the [AZ] secretary of state proving they meet the constitutional requirements to be president [e.g., their Birth certificates]. The secretary of state could then decide to keep a candidate off the Arizona ballot if he or she had reasonable cause to believe the candidate was ineligible…” (This latter proposal is probably prompted by Arizonans’ lingering Reasonable Suspicion that John McCain snuck in to America from Panama. 😉 The Birther-bill article continues, in part:

    Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett opposes the bill, arguing it gives his office too much power, according to his spokesman…

    …The measure comes amid a string of controversial proposals in Arizona that have garnered national attention, including a sweeping illegal immigration crackdown…and a measure allowing people to carry concealed weapons without permits. The governor signed the gun bill last week.

    I’ve got a good idea. Let’s adopt a constitutional amendment stipulating that if Arizona secedes from the Union, out of sheer gratitude we’ll let Texas back in. :>

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