3 thoughts on “Twitter: TR: the Square …

  1. Joe Loy

    WAW haw haw Yes yes / I happened randomly to catch Senator Levin, Steaming live on CNBC today / Prior to his multiple proclamations of The Sh**ty Deal, he Warmed up by quoting Repeatedly from another Goldman Sachs internal email which crowed about all the “crap securities” backing the GS financial products / Admonishing the distinguished witnesses, he stated that “…You shouldn’t be selling crap…You’re going short against the very security (you’re selling) … many of which are described as crap by your own sales force internally…” (and That’s when the Chairman moved on to the real Hardcore stuff… 🙂

    Now, quotations from internal corporate emails are All very Well in their proper Place but I still call for some Modicum of Decorum in the official proceedings of the United States Senate. I.e., this excess of Excrementalism will not Stand. After all, we need not so blatantly Advertise how fiercely we lust after the Effluent vote. At the very least we can restrict ourselves to referencing The Fecal Deal. / IOW (& with apologies to Stanley Kubrick), “Gentlemen! You can’t sh*t in here! This is the MEN’S room!”

  2. Brendan Loy

    There is only one thing that can be said about this shameless vulgarity, defiling our distinguished upper legislative branch:

    Fire Mike Brey.

  3. Joe Loy

    PS: Laird Alasdair, feel free to march in with Lowland Warpipes skirling. (Just keep yer Skirt on if ye please. 😉

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