5 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @ndtex: Let …

  1. B. Minich

    So what does this mean? ND has rejected, or taken too long, for the Big Sixtweleven? If Nebraska comes on, does this stop expansiongeddon? Or has that ship sailed? Has the Pac-16 pretty much decided to go ahead regardless?

    In other words, is it still true that if ND (or Nebraska, which is the only school to get an invite at this point) accepts, it stops at “Big Twelve: stealing schools from the Big XI since 2010”? Or has the Big Sixteen seen the Future, and welcomes our new Superconference Overlords?

  2. Brendan Loy

    No, the only reason it was ever true (or at least perceived as true) that ND joining the Big Ten, and thus the Big Ten stopping at 12, would prevent Armageddon, was not because 12 is a magic number, but because that would mean the Big Ten would NOT be taking Nebraska. Nebraska is the key to the whole thing, because Texas feels that the Big 12 cannot survive without Nebraska. Thus, Nebraska’s defection opens the gates of Hell. If Nebraska goes, Texas goes, and if Texas goes, THE WORLD ENDS.

  3. kcatnd

    “Nebraska is the key to the whole thing, because Texas feels that the Big 12 cannot survive without Nebraska.”

    This is starting to sound like a Harry Potter prophecy.

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