4 thoughts on “Twitter: Must USC cancel …

  1. Brendan Loy

    As I commented on lexicon’s blog: The notion of the NCAA ordering USC to breach a contract seems pretty fishy to me. It’s one thing to say, you can’t now schedule a game under the Hawaii Exemption rule; it’s another thing to say, you have to cancel a game you’ve already scheduled, just a few months before it’s supposed to be played. Canceling the Hawaii game would take away the crown jewel of the Warriors’ schedule, and canceling the Virginia or Minnesota games would leave those teams with an 11-game schedule and precious little time to add a 12th. Whatever else one thinks of the NCAA’s ruling, I really don’t think this particular penalty is legitimate or defensible, and I think it ought to be rescinded immediately.

    Perhaps USC can do a snap appeal of just this issue, separate and apart from its broader appeal, and perhaps Hawaii, Minnesota and Virginia can file amicus briefs. 🙂 Not to mention every fan that has bought non-refundable tickets to fly out for those games. I mean, really.

  2. dcl

    Not to mention sue the crap out of the NCAA. Seriously, we are talking class action and major damages. Sue the fuckers in federal court. Forget the NCAA’s process… Sue in federal court. I have to admit I’m actually a little disappointed USC didn’t announce a major lawsuit yesterday. I’m also disappointed they didn’t come out stronger. They really should have stated in no uncertain terms that the penalties were ridiculous especially considering the NCAA has no prof the violations even happened. Seriously, I don’t understand the pussy footing about. Go after them with everything. Go nuclear. Blow up the fucking NCAA for this bullshit.

  3. B. Minich

    While I don’t think this thing is as baseless as you do, Dane, I don’t understand USC NOT suing the NCAA. In fact, I’d recommend them taking the punishment (to get the bowl ban and the uncertainty overwith if they lose), and sue them in court (and make part of the suit the immeidate revocation of the NCAA’s penalty).

  4. Kenneth Stern

    Let’s remember that USC is a “voluntary” member of the NCAA as are Minnesota, Virginia, Hawaii and Notre Dame…the four non-conference schools that USC is supposed to play this year. I strongly suspect that any contracts with these schools to play games clearly comes with stipulations regarding the eligiblity of the schools as NCAA members. (For example what if USC had been given the “death” penalty…then all 13 of its games would have been cancelled and there would have been 13 teams searching for another game. Since the NCAA clearly has the authority to kill the entire football program I suggest that it also can simply require the cancellation of just one game instead of 13.)

    Of course as I said in an earlier post…I suspect this is a moot point since the appeal that USC is filing will stay this penalty as well as all the rest until the decision is made…presumably not until after the end of the 2010 football season.

    Also as I said earlier, I don’t like the idea of USC appealling the entire set of penalties at this time. There is zero chance any such appeal would be successful. At best (even though I think it remote) USC might get the bowl ban reduced to 1 year and maybe get back some scholarships. So announce that despite your belief in your innocense that you accept the ban for this year and appeal all the rest.

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