Twitter: Tomorrow, can I …

Tomorrow, can I pre-order TWO iPhones (for family plan – 1 for me, 1 for Becky) for pickup at my local Apple Store? I know AT&T Stores have a one-phone limit, but what about Apple Stores? (Yes, I know I can also pre-order for delivery by mail, but I like the 7:00 AM madness / waiting-in-line goofiness.)

2 thoughts on “Twitter: Tomorrow, can I …

  1. dcl

    If history is any indicator, the phones won’t go on sale until 5pm on the 24th. So, in all likelihood, you would get your phones sooner if you order online instead. You can still go to the local Apple store and “be there” if you want…

    I, on the other hand, need to talk to someone that actually know their stuff on AT&T plans and contracts to figure out when I can get my iPhone 4…

  2. Brendan Loy

    AT&T retail stores will be opening at 7:00 AM on launch day. This isn’t just a rumor; one of the tech blogs (Engadget? Mashable? I forget) posted a scan of an internal AT&T document, given out to employees or somesuch thing, discussing the opening time (and the one phone limit and various other issues). I haven’t seen anything similarly official about Apple retail stores, but I read somewhere that they’ll be opening at 7:00 AM too, which makes sense if AT&T stores are doing so. Which means I could go there early in the morning and, depending on how long it takes to pick up & activate my pre-ordered phones, still make it to work relatively on time. (Whereas I definitely wouldn’t get the phones until after work if I pre-ordered for delivery by mail. Indeed, horror of horrors, Becky might get to see them before I would. Heh.)

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