2 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @onlygators: Dear …

  1. David K.

    I can’t believe A&M, Oklahoma, Tech, and Oklahoma State are willing to basically cede to Texas the dominant position in the Big 12 they are going to get out of this. Texas not only gets a bigger share of the pie, but also can spin up its own TV network to make even MORE money. How are the rest of you going to compete with that? I can understand why Baylor, Missouri, Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State are all for it, they were about to be on the outside looking in, scrambling for a place at the table. But the other four? They had rock solid positions to end up in BCS conferences, probably with better deals. In the Pac-10 they would get equal revenue shares, no more extra dollars to Texas. And if A&M went to the SEC not only would they not have to put with being second fiddle to UT, they’d FORCE Texas into the Pac-10 practically.

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