7 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Kiwis hold Italy …

  1. trooperbari

    You mean:

    Italy holds Kiwis to 1-1 draw; has to resort to underhanded tactics to beat a team that used one of its substitutions to bring on a banker

  2. B. Minich

    Italy was not expected to do well this year. They have a team that could win the World Cup . . . in 2006!

    Tis a good year to be down under, though. The Socceroos and the All Whites (yes, New Zealand is called the All Whites. Their rugby team is the All Blacks. I think it’s uniform related. Sadly, I don’t think the All Whites perform the aka, like the All Blacks do.)

  3. Brendan Loy

    I should add that Sauron was the #1 seed in the region. Frodo and Sam were the #15 seed. They had previously eliminated #2 seed Saruman, #7 seed Boromir, and #3 seed The Balrog.

  4. trooperbari

    No, the All Whites don’t perform the Haka. Strangely enough, the national basketball team (the Tall Blacks) does.

  5. kcatnd

    I should add that Sauron was the #1 seed in the region. Frodo and Sam were the #15 seed. They had previously eliminated #2 seed Saruman, #7 seed Boromir, and #3 seed The Balrog.

    Sounds like the Region of Death! Who did we have in the other regions? Were they just filled with Tooks and Brandybucks? I’m sure after Sauron went down, pool participants looking for a mid-major breakthrough had to put their hope in #8 seed, Men.

  6. JD

    I should add that Sauron was the #1 seed in the region. Frodo and Sam were the #15 seed. They had previously eliminated #2 seed Saruman, #7 seed Boromir, and #3 seed The Balrog.

    The fact you have this planned out both intrigues and frightens me. You probably have the other 11 seeds mapped out also?

    On topic, this is one of many reasons I cannot be a soccer fan. This “going crazy over a tie” stuff is stupid. There’s a reason Tom Osborne went for two.

  7. Brendan Loy

    Heh, no, I was making it up as I go along. As kcatnd points out, the regions would undoubtedly be more balanced if I was going to map out the entire tournament. The four #1 seeds would probably be Sauron, Saruman, Gandalf and… well, I suppose there would have been quite a debate on the committee about who should get the fourth #1. Aragorn? Denethor? The Balrog? I imagine the Balrog gets it due to committee bias toward established bluebloods with long histories (“demon of the ancient world”).

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