8 thoughts on “FriendFeed: President Obama on …

  1. AMLTrojan

    This is the first time Obama has looked in command and like he knows what he is doing when it comes to anything Afghanistan-related.

  2. David K.

    So what you were saying is that it was a setup by the Obama administration to make him look good? Clever, very clever.. 😉

  3. Alasdair

    “But war is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a general, or a president. And as difficult as it is to lose General McChrystal, I believe that it is the right decision for our national security. – {my emphasis} … here, I have to agree with our President – given the next 2 in line for the Presidency … if there was a good successor, the change of President would make more sense … with Biden and Pelosi, it’s nowhere near so obvious …

  4. Joe Mama

    At least the d*ckheads at moveon.org can dust off their Gen. Betray Us add … oh wait, nevermind.

  5. Sandy Underpants

    Well after Petreaus won the Iraq war back in 2008, I suppose he’s the right man for the job. After he wins the Afghan (don’t call it “Bush’s other War”) war in September of this year, I hope someone lets the 200,000 troops we have in both countries know it’s over and we won.

  6. Joe Mama

    And someone also should let the 125,000 troops we have in Germany, Japan and South Korea know that WWII and the Korean War are over as well.


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