4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Canadian earthquake downgraded …

  1. Joe Loy

    Evidently some tremors were felt in Connecticut, though not by Me, even though the “felt area for earthquakes of this size in northeastern North America are typically much wider than are typical for the western US” because our “rocks in the northeast attenuate seismic energy much less.”

    Whatever, the Northeast Rocks. ;>

  2. David K.

    My friend felt it in the Albany area, but since its NY she thought it was just a big truck passing by 🙂

    Incidentally here’s a cool article on the Laurentian Craton which accounts for most of the land mass in the U.S. and Canada, particuarly the midwest and east coast, its old and therefore quite stable. Hence fewer quakes.

    As for the downgrade, I think somebody just forgot to calculate the exchange rate.

  3. Joe Loy

    “…here’s a cool article on the Laurentian Craton…”

    David, I think you forgot to craft the applicable Link; plus here I always Frenchily thought it was the Laurentian Croûton; but no matter:

    “its old and therefore quite stable.”

    There ya Go. My personal Motto. / It’s like I said: the Northeast Rocks. (But, Stably. 🙂

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