20 thoughts on “Twitter: Kathleen Parker on …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    I just read that Bristol and Levi are getting married, afterall. I guess he doesn’t want to pay child support, but that’s plum crazy. If this kind of Jerry Springer stuff went on with any other politicians immediate family they would never be taken seriously. Even if this stuff went on in Ann Coulter’s life she would be taken LESS seriously than she already is. Yet Sarah Palin is viewed as a political leader, and making bank speaking (and I use that term loosely) for millions of dollars a year at political events and rallies.

    I believe this only points out how undesserving of a vote the supporters and previous supporters of Sarah Palin really are. By allowing Palin supporters to vote we really jeopardize the future of this entire nation.

  2. Joe Mama

    LOL . . . SU obviously never heard of Neil Bush, Roger Clinton, Patti Davis Reagan, Billy Carter . . .

  3. Sandy Underpants

    I figured someone would mention the black sheep of the presidential families, although George W. Bush was the first black sheep to actually become president, all the others stayed out of the family craptastrophes. Sarah Palin was directly sniping Levi from her facebook and in interviews AND carrying Bristol to the court and showing her how to get more child support out of Levi citing his one-time check from Playgirl magazine. Also with Palin, her daughter is… well a lot closer and more reflective of her character than a brother or sister would be. Lucky for Reagan that Ron Jr. didn’t hit puberty until AFTER he was already in the white house.

    If Sarah Palin can’t win a family fued with Levi Johnston how could she win a fight with the terrorists, or keep us safe as long as Obama has.

  4. gahrie

    If Gov. Palin invented a cure for cancer, Sandy would claim it was a fiendish plot to put doctors out of work………..

  5. Alasdair

    gahrie – you exaggerate …

    Tho several commenters would likely say that Gov Palin stole it from Obama’s efforts …

  6. David K.

    Oh come on gahrie, the idea that Palin is qualified to be President (or even Vice-President) is laughable. She is a trainwreck of a candidate who has only gained as much traction as she has by appealing to the hard core princples of the far right and being pretty and personable. When it comes to demonstrating ACTUAL qualities of leadership she falls far FAR short. I’m not talking about her political positions, which I will readily admit, I vehemently disagree with, but her actions and behaviors. There are plenty of Republican politicians who demonstrate far better leadership qualities than Palin ever has that we could focus on criticizing their politics instead of their basic fitness to run a lemonade stand. Bobby Jindal, for example, I disagree with his positions on a number of issues but he doesn’t demonstrate a basic unfitness for offce like Palin does. Newt Gingrich is also someone who I wouldn’t WANT to win, but could atleast understand winning the Presidency.

    If Gov. Palin was CAPABLE of inventing a cure for cancer that would be one thing, but your hypothetical is pointless because of her continous demonstrated lack of fitness to lead the country (and her own state when it comes down to it).

  7. AMLTrojan

    What’s worse, a train wreck of a candidate or this train wreck of a president? Obama’s qualifications to be president were hardly more impressive than Palin’s as VP, and look how that’s turned out. Q.E.D.

  8. AMLTrojan

    By the way, good article. I thought I was going to hate it when I first read Brendan’s quote, hovered over the link and saw the author, but she has an interesting perspective.

  9. Sandy Underpants

    AML, How has Obama turned out after 18 months? Trying to pick the country up after the Republicans demolished it will take at least a half decade, and a united government, which we don’t have now.

    If McCain were elected, what would be better? What would be different?

  10. AMLTrojan

    The Dems have been in control of Congress since January 2007, which is well before things careened completely out of control. I can guarantee McCain, even with a Democratic Congress, would not have mortgaged our future on an insane, wasteful stimulus and Obamacare.

  11. David K.

    Bush left the country in the worst shape its been in since the great depression and you are blaming Obama for it? I’ll never get past how delusional Republicans can be. Considering how the majority of that damage was done prior to 2007 (the two wars, bank de-regulation, etc.) its amusing that you point to 2007 as the magical date we should all focus on.

    Maybe its different where you work, but in my job, if the previous person who owned a project did a shitty job of it and you are asked to help clean it up, you aren’t blamed for the condition it was left in, nor are you blamed for not being able to turn it around on a dime. Fixing a mess of the magnitude that Bush and his presidency resulted in isn’t going to go away over night. What shape exactly did you expect the country to be in right now anyway? What shape would it have been in WITHOUT the bailouts? (Hint: it would have been FAR worse) the “let em fail” philosophy of the GOP while simple and clean in the abstract would be messy and devestating in the real world. You think its hard to get a loan now? How about when most of the financial industry collapsed? You think its hard to find a job now? How about when high profile companies were slammed by the bank failures and lack of capital.

    Expecting the country to be fully recovered in less two years is about as realisitic as expecting Washington State to win a national championship two years after they fire Paul Wulff (which will happen this year) or heck the Huskies to win it THIS year, two years removed from the Willingham tenure. Except of course the magnitude of problems facing Obama are leaps and bounds beyond those of a college football coach.

    The standard of success by which you wish to measure President Obama is beyond unrealistic and your refusal to admit that Palin is a by far worse candidate for any office is a sure sign of partisan blindness. Palin is a terrible candidate not because of her politics but because she is way out of her league (just like Paul Wulff at WSU). Clinging to her as a legitimate leader is a sure sign that you value ideology over reality.

  12. kcatnd

    “Obama’s qualifications to be president were hardly more impressive than Palin’s as VP, and look how that’s turned out. Q.E.D.”

    That’s a terrible abuse of Q.E.D. and you should be struck sharply about the ears with a rolled-up newspaper for it.

  13. Sandy Underpants

    Pres. Bush: “If I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t do anything different”

  14. AMLTrojan

    kcatnd @ #14: I will concede that that was a “terrible abuse of Q.E.D.” if you will agree that David K and Sandy Underpants are terrible abusers of knee-jerk liberal orthodoxy.

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