12 thoughts on “Twitter: 3.6 earthquake rattles …

  1. Joe Mama

    It woke me up, but I thought it was a plane coming into IAD, which is 15 min. from our house. Didn’t know it was an earthquake until I heard it on the news on my morning drive. Weird.

  2. dcl

    And by “rattles” you mean “goes completely unnoticed by everyone but the media that has decided to #PANIC”?

  3. Jim Kelly

    I’m pissed that I didn’t wake up for it. This is the second earthquake that I’ve missed. I left Kabul to go to Herat for two days and there was a legit quake those 2 days I was gone. :/

    I’m over in PG County, but I’d be happy to buy you two a drink some time. I’ve never met an intelligent conservative in person. 😛

  4. Joe Mama

    I live in Centreville and work in Alexandria. I think someone mentioned once before getting together for a DC area Loy-apalooza or something. I’m definitely up for that … first round is on Jim!

  5. AMLTrojan

    From Centreville to Alexandria? That sounds like a fun commute!

    Actually I am right off Nutley and 66 near Oakton HS, so if you want to stop by for a brewski sometime rather than sit in traffic, give me a holler. Brendan can pass along contact info.

  6. AMLTrojan

    Also, is anyone here taking bets on whether Brendan’s looking to set up a secret getaway on Labor Day weekend to come and see the Va Tech vs. Boise State game at FedEx field? I hear he has friends in the area who are getting engaged and/or popping out babies around that time….

  7. AMLTrojan

    PS — And if I hear an excuse along the lines of “I can’t afford it!”, I am going to harumph about the two iPhone 4Gs he just purchased….

  8. Joe Mama

    Fortunately I have satellite radio. I’ve actually got the commute down to 45 min. each way (Fairfax Cty Pkwy in AM, and I usually leave the office late enough to take the beltway and 66 home without much traffic).

    I know your exit — I play soccer sometimes at Nottoway Park.

    If Brendan sends me your and Jim’s contact info I’ll email you both and we can try to meet up at a mutually convenient place and time. It might not be right away, however — I have a wife and 2-year old at home with another on the way, and I’m going to be chained to my desk at work for the foreseeable future. Maybe some day after work in August …

  9. AMLTrojan

    I don’t know how far “on the way” your second is, but my first is due to drop in August, so we’ll see how it goes after that. If we wait until September, I may have to turn you down so I can take a nap instead. 😉

  10. Jim Kelly

    I think Brendan may have my info from a previous contest or something, otherwise AMLTrojan could friend me on Facebook to get it.

  11. Joe Mama

    Congrats, AML. Your ahead of me, my second isn’t due until Feb (we haven’t even told our families yet). Tell you what, if Brendan comes out for the Va Tech – Boise State game, then I’ll definitely meet you guys there!

    Brendan, when you read this please email me AML’s and Jim’s email addresses. Thanks.

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