7 thoughts on “Twitter: It was hot …

  1. Joe Loy

    We got the Hot Heat — and the accompanying hideous Humidity, ugh — back East too — but it’s not Denver-and-Forth-Worth bad, “only” middling-90s today, though we did hit 99 & broke a Record some days back. / This evening there was an abrupt Severe Thunderstorm Warning targeted smack-dab on the Hartford area — (“…this warning includes the cities of: Newington…[etc. etc.]” – YAY! We’re Number One! Again! 🙂 — but at least in northeast Newington it proved a False alarm this time; got some thunder & lame Gusts & a Brief torrential downpour but that’s about all (micro-locally anyway), and the annual Newington Extravaganza fireworks display went ahead as scheduled. / Next weekend is the annual outdoor Irish Festival in nearby Glastonbury. Prevailing weather conditions will influence our decision whether to attend & sweat Stout. :}

  2. Alasdair

    Hmmmm …

    Brendan moves to the Denver area …

    Denver area gets record high temperatures …

    I wonder what the percentage increase in hot air production can be attributed to Brendan ?

    {/me *mallards*, grinning}

  3. Joe Loy

    “I wonder what the percentage increase in hot air production can be attributed to Brendan ?”

    Arguably a Non-negligible one, Laird Alasdair; but Hey, it’s just like we’ve been tryin’ to Tell yez: homoSapiens-generated Climate change is Real. ;>

    “Anyone who can sweat stout (not stoutly sweat) has to have a good head:-p”

    GinnyZ, there are those of us who manage to do Both and maintain a Good head besides. ;>

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