6 thoughts on “Twitter: Football Writers Association …

  1. David K.

    Oh goody, the Orwelling of college football continues.

    Love the precedent this is setting. Hey, all you members of the 2004 USC football team. All those games you played? Yeah they mean nothing, never happened. Every down, every snap, every block, tackle and catch? Didn’t happen. You know why? Because ONE PERSON allegedly was involved in off field contact and benefits with an agent.

    Imagine if upper management at the company where you worked found out a few years after the fact that one of your coworkers embezelled money. You knew nothing about it, and neither did anyone else in your division, but retroactively your entire division is going to be punished by forfeiting past raises and bonuses, oh and your division is now ineligible for performance bonuses for the next two years. And the guy who embezzeled? Yeah he left the company 5 years ago.

    Sounds fair to me…

  2. David K.

    As for the precedent this sets, lets see, if the allegations about SEC players being involved with agents and others turn out to be true, here’s your list of potentional new national champions:

    2009 – Texas (not Alabama)
    2008 – Oklahoma (not Florida)
    2007 – Ohio State (not LSU)
    2006 – Ohio State (not Florida)

    Not a bad deal for the Buckeyes or Big-12.

  3. kcatnd

    Yes, we’re all really bent out of shape about this Football Writers Association trophy. If anything, it’s probably just a stunt they’re pulling to make themselves relevant (aside from the Outland Trophy, which I only learned about via Google).

  4. Sandy Underpants

    DK, actually the teams you listed lost the BCS championship game. Auburn didn’t even qualify for that, so the 2009 National Champion would be Boise St. 2008 Utah, 2007 USC, 2006 USC.

    At least the Trojans get a back-2-back after losing one.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Hmm, well, LSU was ahead of USC in the final polls in 2006, thanks to the Sugar Bowl thumping of Notre Dame by Tiger phenom and future NFL superstar JaMarcus Russell (heh). But I guess, if the entire SEC is guilty of lack of institutional control (hey, what do you expect? it’s a WAR!), the Bayou Bengals are also ineligible, so maybe it does fall to the Trojans. Though really, that title should go to Boise State, too, the only undefeated team in the country after beating Oklahoma on the famed Reverse Lateral/Statue of Liberty/Cheerleader Marries Tailback play.

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