12 thoughts on “Twitter: Massachusetts Legislature approves …

  1. Jim Kelly

    “The thing about this that bothers me the most is it’s so sneaky. This is the way that liberals do things a lot of times, very sneaky,” he said. “This is sort of an end run around the Constitution.”

    We are very very sneaky, sir.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Sneaky little hobbitses! They stole our Electoral College from us, gollum, and we wants it back!

  3. David K.

    “In a year of bad liberal ideas…”

    Hmm, so we’ve got:

    “Lets start some really expensive and at least one unnecessary war, deregulate wall street, spend lots of money but cut taxes on the rich, and start using a bunch of expensive private security contractors with questionable ethics”


    “Lets get more people affordable health coverage, increase protections for them and reign in wall street excesses”

    Damn liberal hippies trying to keep me alive and not let our economy collapse…

  4. Joe Loy

    “Sneaky little hobbitses! They stole our Electoral College from us, gollum, and we wants it back!”

    YES, my Precious! Filthy Liberalses are Tricksy! ;>

    “…The new system would only go into effect once a sufficient number of states have passed laws that would make it work.”

    Tricksy and False! :} There cannot Be a Sufficient number of states adopting this Interstate Compact — 51 including DC is not sufficient — to Make it Work when the inevitable Next very-close-popular-vote presidential election Rears its ugly Head. Only a proper Constitutional amendment, implemented by detailed Federal legislation & a greatly expanded federal Elections bureaucracy, and adjudicated by a specialized new Fast-tracked court process, can make it work when that happens. An Interstate Compact is powerless to create (and penniless to fund) such indispensable centralized National provisions & mechanisms for a National popular-vote election.

    Tricksy, False, and eventually doomed to Failure. / The Shadow grows. ;>

  5. gahrie

    Since Electors are free to vote anyway they wish, regardless of the outcome of the vote, this proposed change is meaningless…

  6. Brendan Loy

    I’m not sure if you’re just trying to be cute, but it is NOT AT ALL “meaningless,” since this law would alter the way the electors themselves are chosen — and electors, while technically “free to vote anyway they wish” (some potentially unconstitutional state laws to the contrary notwithstanding), are in practical reality political automatons, since each presidential candidate’s chosen slates of presidential electors are always a bunch of party loyalists, and are thus overwhelmingly likely to vote for “their” candidate. So if the National Popular Vote Compact Thingy reaches critical mass in the next five years, and if, say, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton wins the state of Massachusetts in 2016, but incumbent Republican President Sarah Palin* “wins” the “national” “popular vote”**, and the Compact is enforced, the result will be that Massachusetts’s 11*** presidential electors will be eleven Republicans instead of eleven Democrats, and thus President Palin*, instead of ex-Secretary Clinton, will almost certainly get those 11 votes.

    * [SHUDDER]
    ** Scare quotes used because those are meaningless terms without a national infrastructure and process to formally count said vote.
    *** Down from 12 due to post-census reapportionment.

  7. gahrie


    But you and I both know, given Massachusetts legislative history in this area (see recent shenanigans concerning their Senate seats), your scenario would never happen.

    All in all, this is just one more example of the left concentrating on outcomes, rather than process.

    You made a cute comment above, but have not clearly expressed your opinion…surely you oppose this?

  8. David K.

    “gahrie #5 – the sad thing is that David K actually *believes* it …”

    Are you trying to tell me that the wars haven’t been massively expensive? Wow, you ARE deluded. Next you’re going to be telling.me that it was Obama who decided to go to war in Afghanistan, and no person in their right mind would…oh wait…

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