Election Night live-tweet & videocast!

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As I watch election results from Colorado and Connecticut, and go election-results-party-hopping here in Denver, I’ll be live-tweeting and live-iPhone-video-casting in the windows below. (Tweets from various other folks will also auto-post to the CoverItLive window.)

To post a tweet that will appear automatically as a “comment” in the above CoverItLive feed, type in your Twitter username and password into the Twoxit box below — or just tweet from whatever Twitter interface you use normally — and tweet something “@brendanloy.” (If you don’t have a Twitter account, create one!) Your tweet will appear in your Twitter stream, of course, but it will also get sucked into my CoverItLive feed auto-magically.

UPDATE: For Maes’s victory speech, I switched to U-Stream because TwitCasting couldn’t seem to handle the bright lights shining on the podium.

Live streaming video by Ustream

3 thoughts on “Election Night live-tweet & videocast!

  1. Pingback: Everything Is Vanity » Blog Archive » Election Night Live-Tweet & Videocast!

  2. Pingback: Election Night live-tweet & videocast!US Masters LIVE! | US Masters LIVE!

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