6 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @DJ_BECKETT: Quorum …

  1. David K.

    When they make a decision is there going to be white smoke rising from the temple in Salt Lake City or something?

  2. Brendan Loy


    No, the university president will find a stone tablet in an unknown language with a list of teams on the school’s 2012-13 schedule. He just has to translate it and then they’ll know what to do.

  3. Brendan Loy

    Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith, whatever. Opiate-dealers to the masses, all. [/karlmarx]


    My “knowledge” of the tenets of the Mormon faith is derived primarily from a half-remembered “South Park” episode brutally (and no doubt inaccurately) making fun of said faith, so I wouldn’t rely on me for anything in this regard. 🙂

  4. B. Minich

    The only things I really know about Mormons is that Battlestar Galactica (the first one) was written by Mormons. There is a Quorum of Twelve in BSG, which is the body that rules the 12 colonies. When you see it, it acts like the UN – 1 rep per colony.

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