3 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @reignoftroy: Situation …

  1. David K.

    And yet the blogs aren’t aflame with people hating on UNC, which proves in my mind at least that most of the vitriol cast towards USC had nothing to do with moral outrage that they ‘cheated’ but that they were damn good and people were jealous because of their dominance and wanted to see them knocked down a peg or two for it.

  2. kcatnd

    Well, USC was a very visible, popular, hyped-up and prominent program. It sucks, but when you’re on top, you have far more attention and far more haters. It just cuts the other way when things go wrong. If UNC is as bad as we’re hearing, they BETTER get the NCAA hammer too. If they don’t, that would be a real moral outrage.

  3. David K.

    kcatnd, I understand WHY the bloggers were out in full force against SC, they were just wholely dishonest about it. And if the situation at USC warrants the level of penatlies it recieved, then the situation at UNC would by comparison require something dramatically worse, ala the death penalty for their entire athletic department. Thats the problem with the massive overreaction the NCAA had regarding the Bush issue (not to mention the inherent flaws in their system of punishment).

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