6 thoughts on “If they’re not as evil as I think they are, they are STUPID. We’re talking potatoes with mouths.

  1. gahrie

    David K: take a course in economics that deals with stock investments and get back to us.

    Just because a company you run (not own) owns stock in your company does not make him your partner.

  2. David K. Post author

    gahrie, if Fox News is going to use guilt by association by refering to (but not mentioning by name) the largest single shareholder in News Corps outside the Murdoch family, someone who was friendly with George W Bush, then they are either stupid or evil.

    If the Saudi guy is evil and his money is evil and what he invests in is evil then it holds true for both the mosque AND Fox News.

    Of course given that the company donates money to Republicans and doesn’t post any sort of disclaimer on their “news” shows covering those very same races demostrates just how ethical they are at Fox News, so this doesn’t really surprise me one bit.

  3. gahrie

    Of course given that the company donates money to Republicans and doesn’t post any sort of disclaimer on their “news” shows covering those very same races demostrates just how ethical they are at Fox News, so this doesn’t really surprise me one bit.

    You know David…I am on record as saying that you are not as stupid as you sound, but I’m beginning to have doubts…..

    Does NBC run disclaimers on their news shows? Or does all the money that Immelt and GE donate to Pres. Obama and the Democrats matter?

    How about ABC, CBS, CNN, NY Times etc?

  4. David K. Post author

    Immelt is a private citizen who is free to do as he wishes, so is Rupert Murdoch.

    Has GE as a corporation donated money to Obama? Interestingly individual GE employees have donated more to Republicans over the last decade than Democrats, but individual donations are not the issue.


    The donation to the Republican Governors Association recieved a donation from News Corp, not Murdoch or individual employees but the company itself.

    I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference between individual donations and the donations of a corporation responsible for a news organization.

  5. David K. Post author

    Apologies for the redundant donation in the above sentence, was interupted mid typing.

  6. Cartman


    Now I’m sure David K will figure out a way to parse this so that ABC, NBC, CBS come out clean and FNC remains the bad guy, but I would ask any fair minded person the following: What’s more likely to bias or result in bias? A parent corporation, with operations spanning the globe that is basically run as the personal fifedom of it’s Chairman, donating to a political party/cause, or the on-the-ground execs, producers, and writers donating to a political party/cause. News Corp’s $1 million donation is just Rupert Murdoch using his shareholder’s money to support causes that he supports.

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