1 thought on “Twitter: RT @mediaite: Glenn …

  1. AMLTrojan

    There’s been a lot of Glenn Beck hate and derision on this blog, particularly from its author and the lefty wing of the Comments peanut gallery. I did not understand that disdain, much as I think that the left’s reaction to Palin is far overwrought. But I also have to admit, I don’t watch much TV, and the last time I listened to Glenn Beck or watched his show at length was years ago.

    My how things have changed.

    I just caught a glimpse of his show — and can someone explain to me what the *&!% is going on there? I see whiteboards, chalk boards, monitors with images, “the four E’s”… I mean, this is Ann Coulter meets Sean Hannity meets Ross Perot.

    Now, I take some of that back. IMO, Glenn Beck was far more Ann Coulter-ish back in the day; now he seems almost professorial and calm in his demeanor. But he comes off like a cult leader, and I’m kinda wondering, is this the conservative broadcaster version of Ann Coulter and Steve Sailer right before they got dumped by National Review? Is it just a matter of time before Beck and/or some of his followers fly over the cuckoo’s nest?

    “Let me be clear”: I do not see anything untoward or outlandish about Beck’s ideological positions, and most of what he says at face value is standard right-wing stuff that’s more or less right up my alley. I’m reacting more from an aesthetic point-of-view, and when you combine what his show has become with the whole Restoring America rally thingy (or whatever it was called), you kind of get the sense that a screw is loose and something really bizarre is bound to happen. And I’m positive the fallout will not be good for the Right.

    Oh how I long for the days when these kinds of folks were more for local public television and served more for entertainment purposes. I’ll stick with my Rush Limbaugh and Wall Street Journal op-ed page, thank you very much!

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