1 thought on “Twitter: Fun BCS scenario: …

  1. JD

    I’m trying to figure out how a 12-1 Oklahoma qualifies for this scenario.

    Losing the Big 12 Championship? Nebraska (presumed B12 North winner) would then be ahead of Oklahoma – or both get leapfrogged by Ohio State/Iowa. (Actually, the presumed dominant team falling flat on its face would be a very fitting final B12 championship.)

    Losing to Texas? Maybe, but that means Texas has to lose at least twice in order to not be the South champion. I don’t think a three-way one-loss round-robin in the South can happen this year.

    Losing to someone else? Theoretically possible, highly unlikely. Then again, Bedlam is at Okie State this year…

    Boise State’s high-profile games are at the beginning of the season and may correspondingly carry less weight, especially depending on how VT and Oregon State do.

    Both play Utah State this season – that’s how we’ll decide. Whoever has the bigger margin of victory gets the slot. (The computers may not factor margin of victory, but that doesn’t mean the polls can’t.)

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