Fearless predictions on Pigskin’s Eve

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In the spirit of my post last year on opening day, I’ve tweeted some #fearlesspredictions for the college football season ahead. For now, you can view them in the sidebar at right. For posterity, I’ll also copy & paste them after the jump.

P.S. But first, courtesy of @jadaily, a song for the occasion:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
With the quarterbacks throwing, the running backs going;
Yes, football is here: It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
It’s the hap, happiest season of all.
With coaches who lose it, and fans who yell “Bulls**t!” when refs blow a call
It’s the hap, happiest season of all.
There’ll be corners and safeties, and linebackers racing, and linemen refusing to yield.
There’ll be marching bands playing, and cheerleaders swaying, and dancing teams out on the field.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
With the tailgating parties, and halftime shows starting, yes, football is here:
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Now, on with the predictions…

Boise State will beat VaTech, beat OreSt, move into position for a BCS title-game invite… then lose at Nevada 11/26. #fearlesspredictions

USC will start 8-0, then lose at home to ASU (only Pac-10 team that never beat em in Carroll Era). They’ll finish 11-2. #fearlesspredictions

Miami will beat OSU and Pitt and become a bona fide national title contender, then lose 2 ACC games. #fearlesspredictions

Nebraska will lose at least three games, because they don’t have a quarterback and they no longer have Suh. #fearlesspredictions

Oregon State will go either 9-3 or 8-4, because Oregon State always goes either 9-3 or 8-4. #fearlesspredictions

Iowa will win the Big Ten. #fearlesspredictions

UConn will beat Michigan, lose to Temple, and win the Big East. #fearlesspredictions

Navy will go 10-2, with losses to Notre Dame and East Carolina. It will be ranked #12 at season’s end. #fearlesspredictions

Notre Dame will start 5-0. The Return to Glory hype will reach a fever pitch, just like w/ Ty & Weis in their 1st yrs. #fearlesspredictions

Notre Dame will then lose to Pitt, Utah, and USC, to finish 9-3. #fearlesspredictions

Temple will upset Penn State, which will be looking ahead to Iowa. But they’ll lose at least one MAC game, so no BCS. #fearlesspredictions

Despite its ridiculously favorable schedule, Texas will manage to lose a game. #fearlesspredictions #orperhapswishfulthinking

The BCS title game will be unbeaten Iowa vs. one-loss Alabama, which will edge out unbeaten #3 TCU for final spot. #fearlesspredictions

#3 TCU (12-0) will beat the Pac-10 champ, #11 Arizona (9-3), in the Rose Bowl, earning basically no additional respect. #fearlesspredictions

Most of these predictions will look completely batty by November, some of them within a week or two. #fearlesspredictions

At least one of these predictions, however, will come true, or close enough to true that I’ll be able to crow about it. #fearlesspredictions

Anyone else want to share their #fearlesspredictions on this glorious College Football Eve?

P.S. I was asked who will win my predicted Iowa-Alabama title clash. My response: @corcoran310 I’ll go with Iowa to win, just to be different, and because I can’t stand the thought of a 5th straight SEC title. #itsaWAR

P.P.S. Also, I guess I’m picking Oregon State to go 8-4, not 9-3, since other predictions require them to lose to Boise, TCU, and 2 Pac-10 teams (in order to finish tied in the Pac-10 standings with 9-3 but Rose Bowl-bound Arizona, which will lose to Iowa but otherwise win its OOC games (vs. Toledo and the Citadel).

6 thoughts on “Fearless predictions on Pigskin’s Eve

  1. Sandy Underpants

    USC wins the Pac-10 and Oregon St. goes to the Rose Bowl with an 8-4 record to play 9-3 Wisconsin. Ohio St. beats Oklahoma in the BCS championship game. Terrell Pryor wins the Heisman. Florida loses 4 games. Auburn wins the Iron Bowl and wins the SEC championship. North Carolina gets the death penalty. Lee Corso says, “Not so fast my friend” 284 times on Gameday. UCLA will lose their first 4 games, and the racist Bruins fans will still say Rick NuAsshole is better than Karl Dorrell. Mike Leach, now working at CBS, will have a public fued with Craig James at ABC/ESPN. The fans will side with Leach. Craig James husband will leave him as a result. Jeremiah Masoli will get arrested for stealing hub caps in MIssissippi, Huston Nutt will continue to make excuses for him. Oregon basically sucks. Miami will still have NEVER won an ACC title. Jimbo Fisher will get scorched by the media when FSU goes 6-6. Charlie Weis will make an a-hole comment about Brian Kelly and Notre Dame that causes a shoot-storm with fans and the football world. Pete Carroll will present USC with the AP National Championship trophy in January.

    I can’t wait!

  2. Matthew Caffrey

    I think the Big XII will be fun to watch this year. With Suh, Bradford and Colt McCoy all gone, it is very unclear who the big playmakers will be to take over the conference. Everyone is assuming Texas will continue to dominate, just because it has been so long since that has not been true, but this year seems more up-in-the-air than most.

    But sorry Brendan, Colorado will continue to be a punching bag.

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