Go Boise! Beat Hokies!

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My Twitter sidebar is once again not importing tweets properly because of FriendFeed issues, so my tweets during the Boise-VaTech game may not appear on the blog. You can read them at http://www.twitter.com/brendanloy, of course. Anyway, if anyone wants to comment on the game, you can do so here. GO BRONCOS!!!

UPDATE: Tweets seem to be importing again, but who knows for how long. I really need to stop relying on the dying FriendFeed…

5 thoughts on “Go Boise! Beat Hokies!

  1. Sandy Underpants

    They sounded pretty loud for just making up 10% of the fans in the stadium. Now they can go lose to Wyoming.

  2. Jim Kelly

    So help me understand this… I understand the logic that says Boise has to win every game, but what I don’t get is how a narrow win over Virginia Tech somehow confers more legitimacy on Boise. I actually think it confers less than they were given by preseason rankings. Boise was ranked 3, right? So they barely beat the 10th ranked team.

    So at least as it relates to how they were ranked in the pre-season (which is of course admittedly largely meaningless) I think they actually did pretty poorly. I mean all this, “see, we can hang with a top-10 team!” stuff is the kinda thing you’d hear from somebody that, uh, wasn’t in the top 10. When Maryland became only one of four teams to beat two top 10 teams two years ago, that was a badge of honor for their otherwise meh year. But when you are number 3, seven spots ahead of your opponent, I’m not sure why it means all that much.

    Unless of course it’s just as another notch on the legitimization post… at which point I’d just say haters gonna hate, which as we can see they still are even though Boise won.

  3. B. Minich

    This is why the whole ranking system is so dumb. Because we’re making complex arguments the first week of a season (WEEK 1, for Pete’s sake!!) about “whether it would be better for Boise to beat Va Tech by a little or a lot.” In the end, what does it matter? If they had beat Va Tech by 4 TDs, there would be people immediately saying “dude, Va Tech is overrated. I mean, they lost to the loser BOISE STATE team.”

    Plus, a system in which Boise is playing, during Week 1, with the national championship game on the line is dumb. Had Florida lost this week, they wouldn’t be as out of the conversation as Boise had they lost. How is that remotely justifiable, BCS!?!? If Florida loses, then runs the table, they are still probably in the conversation. Boise gets no such consideration. Sad, really.

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