10 thoughts on “FriendFeed: “What if, on …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    Boise would stay #3, and will stay #3 the entire season. The writers/voters are so arrogant it’s sickening. I was watching the Tony Barnhardt show last night (yeah I’m his 1 viewer) and he had this other Alabama dumbass on there talking about how Bama wouldn’t lose a game at home this year and Herbstreit is crazy for picking Auburn, and Boise is a joke. First of all, Alabama isn’t even that good. They won the BCS because McCoy got hurt and damn near lost with the freshman Gilbert throwing all over the place. If they ever play a team that doesn’t suck, they’re going to be in a lot of trouble, hell they lost to Tennessee last season, if Kiffin would have trusted the SEC refs and had Crompton throw downfield.

    Anyway, this doofus journalist votes in the AP and it’s his kind of thinking that will prevent Boise St. from moving up the list and will protect the eventual BCS champion from losing to Boise St. I guess this nimrod forgot that Utah owned Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Oh Bama didn’t really want to win that game, I almost forgot, they should have let their fans know so they wouldn’t embarrass themselves with those condescending signs they were holding up when the game started.

  2. David K.

    If the voters were as arrogant as you claim, Boise State wouldn’t have ben ranked 3rd in the voting, and as Brendan so often reminds us, these are the results of dozens of people spread across the country, they don’t act as a singular hive mind with a unified purpose. They aren’t muslims after all.

  3. Brendan Loy

    they don’t act as a singular hive mind with a unified purpose. They aren’t muslims after all.

    LOL!!! Well played.

    I think we should probably have a “sarcasm” tag here, in case either of us ever run for office, and oppo-researchers come googling around…

  4. David K.

    I thought about it, but then i don’t think i’ll ever run for office, i’m pretty sure if word got out Alasdair and Gahrie (possibly Joe Mama and AMLTrojan) would swift boat me in a heart beat 🙂

  5. Jim Kelly

    To the proposition: what if, say Miami and PSU then ran the table? They would of course both have to be put ahead of Boise. Three undefeated teams, and the strength of schedule clearly favors PSU and Miami.

  6. Brendan Loy

    I think that’s right, Jim. Mandel’s statement that “No. 1 teams don’t generally fall to No. 3 without losing” glosses over two salient facts:

    * No. 1 teams aren’t generally named Boise State
    * No. 1 teams don’t generally play such massively front-loaded schedules

    Mandel point is an intriguing one that I hadn’t thought of, and I think he’s right that Boise making the jump to #1 early in the season could help at the end if it’s a close battle with, say, a 1-loss AQ champ or a not-clearly-deserving AQ unbeaten (West Virginia?). But I don’t think the usual “rules” apply as stringently as they usually would, and certainly not to the extent that there’s any circumstance in which Boise is going to ultimately finish ahead of a “name” big-conference team like Penn State or Miami that goes undefeated against a reasonably strong schedule.

  7. dcl

    I thought the sarcasm tag was assumed on all comments on this blog. As well as a grand standing and hyperbole tag. And various other rhetorical excess commonly in use here. That’s okay, I for one know the one reason I can’t run for office is my hyperbolic comments here at Brendan Loy dot Com… Well, perhaps I could win in Berkley, but eventually they would find out I’m not really liberal enough for them, and I’d be SOL…

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