1 thought on “Twitter: RT @ThePlumLineGS: John …

  1. AMLTrojan

    What would be really helpful is to break it down by small businesses and numbers of employees. For instance, do those small businesses employ a disproportionate share of people who work for small businesses? I’d bet they’d do.

    Here’s an anecdotal example of why Boehner has the better side of the argument. For liability purposes, my dad technically owns 3 or 4 different LLCs. But he’s the only employee for all of them, and they make such a small profit for him that I frequently tease him for being “self-unemployed”.

    My guess is there are a bajillion instances out there just like that — mom&pop shops, LLCs, and whatnot — and that therefore the bulk of the 97% that the Democrats are talking about make only half the tax income and employ a disproportionate few number of folks.

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