3 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @stiffarmtrophy: StiffArmTrophy.com: …

  1. David K.

    No, he didn’t win the award, Reggie Bush did. The past is the past, lets not try and re-write it any more than it allready has.

  2. David K.

    “Sorry Egypt, but since it was discovered that the Great Pyramid was built using slave labor we are afraid its going to be have to removed from the list of 7 Wonders of the Ancient World”

  3. Sandy Underpants

    They’ll “give it back” to him years down the road. If I was Bush I wouldn’t really care. It’s not like it means anything 5 years later. Everyone knows he won it decisively and he ended up with a Superbowl ring and world-wide superstar athlete and 100 millionaire, and he’s just starting his 5th season in the League.

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