5 thoughts on “Twitter: National Review’s pro-Pledge …

  1. David K.

    Next your going to tell me that Fox News is in bed with the GOP too. Come on Brendan, its all a vast left wing/media conspiracy 🙂

  2. David K.

    I don’t have a thorough background on the original JournoList kerfuffle but it seems to me there is a fundemental difference between a bunch of like minded bloggers et al kibuttzing and feeding each others egos (hell you and gahrie do that here all the time, albeit you force the rest of us to put up with it) and the leadership of a political party actively coordinating with journalists. I’m not saying either is right but they are different.

    To what extent was the JournoList group coordinating in actual journalism for example. Where they writing supposedly non-partisan pieces in a coordinated manner? Like I said, I don’t know the answer so I don’t know how bad it was or should be looked at.

  3. Alasdair

    David K #3 – JournoList was the latter of your two scenarios …

    So – can we agree that the JournoList thingie was a Bad Thing ? No matter who or which party does it ?

  4. Alasdair

    (grin) Can we agree that it is atrocious pro se ? (Not to mention most of it was atrocious prose, too)

    (bigger grin) A stretch, I know …

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