12 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @DanRiehl: Get …

  1. Joe Mama

    Apparently Riehl also doesn’t understand that Brendan is not conservative … the “weak sell-out” remark is strange.

  2. Alasdair

    Joe Mama – I suspect that Riehl just implicitly dissed Our Brendan by taking him at first impression from the specific post … us regulars know Brendan in mre detail, and, as such, don’t tend to see him as conservative (except to wind him up, that is) … (grin)

  3. Jim Kelly

    Yeah, wow, this guy clearly has no idea how the government works at all. I mean, I won’t go as far as to say as that there aren’t reasons if you are on the right to be okay with forgoing control of the Senate in the name of pushing your party rightward in general. But this guy acts as if one seat either way isn’t a big deal. It is. It’s a “big fucking deal.”

  4. gahrie

    I keep telling you guys…the vast majority of voters are not political wonks, and are fed up with pragmatism. They are entirely willing to sacrifice complete control of the senate if it means throwing a scare into the Democratic and Republican elites.

    Just for the record, I’m predicting such a tidal wave that Delaware won’t matter.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Gahrie, are you basically just predicting the 6 certain/likely states (ND, AR, IN, PA, WA, CO), plus all five tossups (IL, NV, WV, WA, CA), which would bring the GOP to 52… or does your “such a tidal wave” include additional states, too, such as CT, the NY special election, and, uh, Maryland? Hawaii?

  6. David K.

    I think you overestimate the number of voters who will buy into the BS the Tea Party is selling. The Dems may take a hit but its by no means going to be a landslide.

  7. Brendan Loy

    I predict something in between gahrie’s 100-seat tsunami and David’s non-landslide.

    I’m thinking 8 Senate seats and ~45 House seats.

  8. Brendan Loy

    P.S. If the GOP is doing well enough to take 100 House seats, they will certainly take the above-mentioned 11 Senate seats, easily, and probably CT & NY too. I can’t see it going beyond those 13, though. There just aren’t any other Senate seats realistically in play.

    That said, I think a 100-seat House gain is pretty inconceivable.

  9. Joe Mama

    I didn’t know the Tea Party was selling anything.

    100 House seats seems rather ambitious, but at least one poll’s (Gallup) recent likely voter turnout model gives the GOP an unprecedented margin that Michael Barone suggests could make this year look like 1894 (when Republicans gained over 100 seats in much smaller House), so I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question either.

  10. dcl

    Joe, Nothing is impossible with the house. But to say the Tea Party isn’t selling something? Of course they are, so are the Democrats, the Republicans, the Greens, the Libertarians, etc. etc. etc. It’s all marketing, it’s all selling something. In this case it’s selling an intangible, but it is still sales. All the same basic thing, encyclopedias to “fixing Washington”.

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