Happy 4th of July!

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Hope you’re all having a great holiday weekend. Here’s a photo from today’s ingenious Stapleton 4th of July parade, in which the “floats” are the strollers and bicycles of the neighborhood’s abundant kiddo population:

Stapleton 4th of July Parade

This evening, we’ll head to Becky’s cousin’s barbecue, and then hopefully catch some fireworks.

Happy Birthday, America!

P.S. No baby yet. 🙂

P.P.S. With apologies to the county-music skeptics among us, here are a couple of songs that seem appropriate for the day — one of them about the 4th of July, the other my favorite tribute to the simple pleasures of life, with a bit of patriotic sentiment thrown in for good measure:

P.P.P.S. One last video:

2 thoughts on “Happy 4th of July!

  1. David K.

    FYI, WordPress won’t let me put embedded videos in my posts. I paste it in to the HTML field and it removes them when it saves/previews/posts it. Not sure if this is some sort of guest setting you need to change, but thought i’d let you know (tried on Firefox and Safari)

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