8 thoughts on “FriendFeed: “Our democracy has …

  1. David K.

    The threat lies in people like this congressmen whose lies and ignorance prevent actual solutions from being discussed and critiqued. Also, we aren’t a democracy, you’d think a congressman would know that…

  2. Sandy Underpants

    Can the Democrats just ram-rod this bill already and get on with our lives? There’s a reason Democrats control every branch of government, because the other side was so damn idiotic, incompetent, or corrupt that we voted them out of office, now people are going to disagree, they do all the time, but for the sake of humanity destroy the insurance companies ONCE and for EVERYONE!! We will begin to become a better society the minute we don’t have insurance companies dictating our health-care (and other aspects of our lives). And if there are Republicans that want to continue paying a zillion dollar corporation for healthcare, then they are still free to do that.

  3. B. Minich

    I actually agree that our democracy has never been as threatened as it is today, but that has nothing to do with Obama’s health plan. It has more to do with the rise in Presidential power, and the rise of a mob mentality to politics (the very thing this congressman is encouraging here!), and people figuring out that they can vote themselves money, driving our nation further into debt, and people not caring, or just voting for whoever makes them feel the best, or whatever. I don’t like the direction this country is heading, and I think the problem is systemic – both parties stink here. Here’s another: Congress is ceding more and more power to the President, and just kinda hanging around instead of trying to be the vital check on the President’s power it should be.

    And just to clarify: Bush has done much, much more damage in this regard than Obama has. Although, to be fair, Obama still has time, time I hope he uses to keep forcing Congress to do stuff rather than letting the President do all the stuff.

  4. Mike Marchand

    Can the Democrats just ram-rod this bill already and get on with our lives?

    No. If they could, they would have done it already (see: “stimulus package”).

    There’s a reason Democrats control every branch of government, because the other side was so damn idiotic, incompetent, or corrupt that we voted them out of office

    Precisely. It wasn’t to enact idiotic, incompetent, or corrupt policies of their own.

    We will begin to become a better society the minute we don’t have insurance companies dictating our health-care (and other aspects of our lives). And if there are Republicans that want to continue paying a zillion dollar corporation for healthcare, then they are still free to do that.

    Call me crazy, but I’m having a hard time coming up with a reason why a trillion-dollar government makes better decisions than a “‘zillion’ dollar corporation,” and why our trust in them is a more sound societal judgment.

  5. gahrie

    400 years ago, our forefathers fled England to get away from people like Sandy Underpants who believe the government should have the power to run our lives.

    The biggest problem today is that there is no where for us to leave to today………

  6. David K.

    Actually gahrie, they fled religious persecution and the government telling them what they were supposed to believe. Pretty much what the GOP wants to do and what the Bush administration did.

  7. dcl

    David, that was just in the North. In the South the headed to the New World for one thing. Money. Oddly the South has always had a rather odd relationship to religion. It’s why we have Baptists…

    Anyway, that’s really not the point.

    To Mike’s point, the question is profit motive. Theoretically the government lacks a profit motive in the execution of their fiduciary duties. The government only needs to cover their overhead. And amazingly, Medicare and Medicaid have the lowest overhead costs per person covered of any care provider in the country. Read that as most efficient. Of course none of this really does anything about the other half of the equation, and that’s the for profit hospitals, some of which are run rather poorly in terms of providing health care. I know this is Huffington Post, but this article does a decent job of explaining the broad overall issue in this debate:

    And, of course, if you’ve yet to read this article you really must. I think it perhaps should be required reading for everyone engaging in this debate.

  8. Sandy Underpants

    The Democrats CAN ram-rod the bill through because they have a 60 seat senate majority and the majority in Congress. Obama wants Republicans to vote for it as well. If “the debate” continues as it has with Lyndon LaRouche loons carrying on about government Death Panels and Obama dressed as Htiler, then I’m pretty sure the Dems are gonna jam it to the Republicans.

    A trillion dollar government running healthcare is better than a corporation because the governemnt is not acting in the interest of their profit margin, because the government does not run for profit, as a corporation does. “The Death Panels” exist today, they are just run from an anonymous cubicle in the offices of your current insurer. If nothing changes with regards to healthcare, you may someday soon get a notice from them.

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